Nov 11, 2024
Day of the Faculty
In the academic year 2023/24, the Faculty said farewell to 126 graduates and 19 new postdocs. In addition to the Faculty Student Council awarding the teaching award, research award winners were also honored at the ceremony.
Last Friday, the ceremony to bid farewell to this year's graduates of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences took place.
The Faculty's day was opened by the Dean, Prof. Regine Gerike. She congratulated the graduates on behalf of the faculty community on their achievements and pointed out the high level of societal responsibility that the early-career researchers will have in their future careers.
"Transport and mobility will continue to gain in importance. The demand for sustainable transport systems is increasing more and more - and with it the demand for well-trained experts, for designers who can develop, plan and build these systems. For people like you!" said the Dean.
Prof. Dr. Corinna Salander, Professor of Rail Vehicle Technology and Head of the Railways Department at the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV), then gave a keynote speech. In her speech on "Highlights of rail transport research", she presented the Federal Rail Research Program of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport and the German Centre for Rail Transport Research (DZSF).
After bidding farewell to Prof. Christian Lippold, Prof. Ulrike Stopka and Prof. Gerd Stöwer and welcoming Prof. Duo Liu, Chair of Railway Track Engineering, the Faculty honored the award winners of the past year. The award winners included:
- Teaching award in the 2023/24 academic year: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Michael Möser and Dr. John Martinovic
- "Best Paper Award" of the "18th International Conference on Problem Solving From Nature": Prof. Dr. Kerschke and Lennart Schäpermeier
- Tra Visions Award "Crossmodality": Maurice Krauth and Matthias Ribesmeier
- German Mobility Award "Audience Award": MoveOn
- INFORMS Prize in the Railway Applications Section (RAS) "Student Paper Competition" and "Problem Solving Competition": Peiran Han
- Johannes Bröcker Honorary Award 2024: Sebastian Dengel
- Johann Andreas Schubert Prize: Florian Gutzeit
- "Clean Mobility Award" of the VDB: Blanca Roßberg
- Badge of Honor of the TUD Dresden University of Technology in the areas of inclusion and accessibility: Lisa Iden
This was followed by the farewell to the 19 new postdocs of the past year.
Dipl.-Ing. Jonathan Gut then greeted the graduates before they were ceremoniously bid farewell with the presentation of their certificates.
The following degrees were awarded in the 2023/24 academic year:
- 49 Diploma in Transport Engineering
- 28 Master's in Railway System Engineering
- 8 Master's in Electrical Transportation Systems
- 6 Master's in Aviation and Logistics
- 12 Bachelor Transport Economics
- 14 Master Transport Economics
- 9 Master Transportation Economics
The ceremony was accompanied by music from the Big St. Benno Band of the St. Benno Gymnasium.
The ceremony ended with a get-together in the foyer of lecture hall POT 81, where the graduates were able to toast their achievements.
The 18th ball of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences on Saturday at the German Hygiene Museum concluded the alumni events. With the ball, the Faculty's Alumni Association spätverkehr e.V. honors the graduates of the past year and invites alumni of the faculty, faculty members and partners to a festive evening.
The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences congratulates all graduates, new postdocs and award winners on their degrees and honors. Keep us, the faculty, your alma mater, in good memory - and above all: let's stay in touch.