Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in gesucht!
(You will find the English version on this page. If you want to read it in German, please open this file.)
The Institute of Transport and Economics offers at the Chair of Econometrics and Statistics, esp. in the Transport Sector a job position starting as soon as possible as a
Research Associate
(in the presence of the personal requiments E 13 TV-L)
until 31.03.2022 with the option of prolongation (duration of employment following 'WissZeitVG'). There is the opportunity for additional scientific qualification.
In the context of the continuation of a project promoted by the Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau (BAW) a dynamic two-dimensional traffic flow simulator for the description of the inland waterway transportation on the Niederrhein (ca. 220km distance) should be developed in a modern programming language (Python, Java). Hereby the legal conditions (traffic rules, minimum separation), the decisions of the ship's master, hydrodynamic-physical laws such as maximum speed and acceleration as well as limits of the maneuverability should be considered for every watercraft. The simulator contains the components river geometry, demand modeling as well as strategical, tactical and operational actions of the ship's master. With this simulator one can assess different scenarios of the future shipping on the Niederrhein including time costs caused by congestion and hinderances during high traffic density.
Your tasks:
- development and implementation of a parallelizable two-dimensional traffic flow simulator for the Niederrhein in Java or Python following the fundamentals of modern program design (will be supervised)
- execution of simulations in tide cooperation with the BAW
- your own - preferably leading to a doctorate - research activities as well as publications in international journals are explicitly desired
Your profile:
- good scientific degree in traffic science or engineering, physics, computer science or other so called MINT subjects
- knowledge of programming
- superior mathematical/analytical understanding
- ability to scientific, autonomous working in a objective- and project-orientated manner
- advantageous is knowledge in one or more of the areas many-particle modeling, hydrodynamics, traffic dynamics (also of the road traffic), traffic data collection, numerical mathematics, software engineering as well as visualization
For further information please contact Dr. rer. nat. Martin Treiber (Tel.: 0351 463-36794, E-Mail: ).
Women are expressly welcome to hand in their application. The same applies to people with disabilities.
Are you interested? We look forward to your application! Please send it with the common documents till 17.06.2019 (it counts the postmark of the 'ZPS der TU Dresden') preferably over the SecureMail Portal of the TU Dresden https://securemail.tu-dresden.de as a pdf-file to or to TU Dresden, Fakultät Verkehrswissenschaften „Friedrich List“, Institut für Wirtschaft und Verkehr, Professur für Ökonometrie und Statistik, insb. im Verkehrswesen, Herrn Prof. Dr. Ostap Okhrin, Helmholtzstr. 10, 01069 Dresden. Your application documents will not be send back, please just hand in copies. Job interview costs will not be reimbursed.