Dec 19, 2013
In company with the Saxon State Minister for Environment and Agriculture Frank Kupfer and other representatives from industry and academia, Prof Dr. Edeltraud Günther visited China from 19th - 23rd of November 2013. Special focus of the trip was Hubei, since 2007 partner province of Saxony with cooperation in the fields of economy, science, environmental protection, education and further education as well as art and culture. With the opening of a contact office in Wuhan, capital of the province, the goals were met to strengthen existing contacts and provide an opportunity for companies, especially in the field of environmental technology, to locate and contact business partners in China. According to Minister of the Environment Kupfer “China offers great possibilities for Saxon Companies” and “within the province of Hubei there are great tasks in the field of environmental protection for which our companies have developed efficient and cost-effective solution over the last years”. According to a report of the State Chancellery of Saxon China is Saxony’s most important export market with exports worth of 4.9 billion Euros in 2012 and provides long-term market opportunities for Saxon companies by the current five-year plan and its committed environmental issues. During the tour of delegation, already four Saxon environmental technology firms were able to establish cooperation agreements in the areas of soil remediation and wastewater treatment. For further details please follow this Link.