3. Boysen-TU Dresden-Research Training Group‚ Mobility in transition‘ – Challenges and solutions for technology, environment and society
In 2019 the 3rd generation of the Boysen-TU Dresden-Research Training Group has started under the heading „Mobility in transition – Challenges and solutions for technology, environment and society“. The 3rd Boysen-TU Dresden-Research Training Group focuses on the interdisciplinary collaboaration and research on the compelx interface of mobility, society and environment at large. 16 research projects analyse new mobility technologies and scenarios and interconnected issues from various disciplines. The research projects are organized in 4 distinctive, yet converging research clusters. The Boysen-TU Dresden-Research Training Group is characterized by its interdisciplinary research and educational concept. Intensive colloboration of researchers from engineering, nature, and social sciences is key.
The following paragraph contains a short abstract of the research project, led by the Chair:
C5: Sustainability assessment of new business models for mobility concepts on the way towards the 22nd century
While the other cluster projects centre upon electromobility and autonomous driving from a technological, system, communication and psychological perspective (C1 to C4), the research project C5 focuses on the perspective and role of enterprises. The project starts off with a systematic literature review and delphi expert study on new busines models and innovations in the framework of electromobility and autonomous driving. Moreover there will be a quantative study in close collaboration with projects C2 and C3 on the willigness of individual mobility users to think in functions instead of transport modes. Based on the collaboration with the mobility scenarios of project C1, indiciators for assessing the sustainability of these business models and innovations and the mobility scenarios will be developed.
Project lead
Prof. Dr. Edeltraud Günther (Research project C5)
- Fachbereich Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Energiewirtschaft
- Fachbereich Verkehrspsychologie
- Fachbereich Energieerzeugung/Hochspannungstechnik
- Fachbereich Kommunikationswissenschaft
3/2019 until 3/2022