Overview of the Technology Platforms and their core facilities
The subsequent Technology Platforms of the TUD Dresden University of Technology can be contacted. Additional offers can also be reached via DRESDEN-concept.
CFEA - Core Facility Environmental Analytics
The CFEA brings together the analytical and scientific expertise of environmental research from the fields of forest sciences, geosciences, and hydrosciences. Learn more...
Investigate environmental processes by tracking elemental fluxes through the analysis of stable isotopes of H, C, N, O and S in various phases.
With cutting-edge isotope ratio mass spectrometers and laser-based spectrometers, CFEA delivers precise and reliable results.
CFEA provides access to a state-of-the-art ESEM (FEI Quanta 650 FEG) the perfect tool for visualization of micro- and nanostructures. In contrast to the classical SEM, the ESEM can acquire images of wet or uncoated samples without damaging them.
- SEM and ESEM
- EDX for elemental analysis
Our high-resolution mass spectrometer systems (LC/MS, GC/MS) offer the possibility of trace analysis in complex environmental samples e.g. for the identification of pollutants in water, soil and plants.
We offer a wide range of analyses, these include but are not limited to:
- Elemental analysis
- Chromatography
- Textur analysis
- Material testing
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The CFEA provides a state-of-the-art infrastructure for conducting tree-ring based studies. This includes sampling equipment and measurement systems for xylogenetic, wood anatomical and tree ring analyses. We also provide excellent microscope infrastructure (e.g., the Zeiss Axio Scan 2.1 slide scanner).
CMCB Technology Platform - Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering
The CMCB Technology Platform offers state-of-the-art technologies and professional expertise based on the life science areas of the three institutes within the CMCB - B CUBE, BIOTEC and CRTD. The aims are synergy effects, the promotion of knowledge and technology transfer, and the economic use of existing resources. Learn more...
The Advanced Imaging Facilities of CMCB provide access to, and expert training on highly specialized devices
Electron Microscopy
Light Microscopy
Provides top level NGS expertise and support for high throughput genomics. Learn more...
The Flow Cytometry Facility offers access to state-of-the-art flow cytometers as well as cell sorting services and more. Learn more...
Provides cutting edge technologies for the fabrication of customized microstructures. Learn more...
Your full spectrum of proteomics and mass spectrometry applications Learn more...
Provides fully equipped clean room suites for state-of-the art cell therapy manufacturing Learn more...
Generation, characterization, culture, storage and CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome engineering of human and primate iPSCs. Learn more...
Provides high-throughput in vivo vertebrate screening using Vertebrate Automated Screening Technology (VAST). Learn more...
Provides assistance for CyTOF-related projects including panel design, antibody labeling and titration, sample staining and data analysis. Learn more
Provides techniques and know-how for assessing active and passive properties of cell membranes, electric interactions between cells and their responses to pharmacological, optical and electrical stimulation. Learn more
- User training and technical support for our devices
Learn more: Molecular Imaging and Manipulation Facility
T-CHE - Technology Platform chemical analysis
The technology Platform T-CHE (Chemical Analytics) bundles important cross-sectional technologies and research infrastructures of the Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry. The goals of T-CHE are unbureaucratic access to and efficient use of large-scale research equipment available at the faculty. If interested in the Technology Platform:
The technology area "Biomolecular Nuclear Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR) of liquid samples" is part of the technology platform "Chemical Analysis - T-CHE" of the Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry of the Technische Universität Dresden. This technology area has NMR spectrometers for one- and multidimensional spectroscopy of samples in solution.
The technology area "Solid State NMR Spectroscopy" is part of the technology platform "Chemical Analytics - T-CHE" of the Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry of the TU Dresden. This technology area has various NMR spectrometers and exclusively performs solid-state NMR measurements.
The technology area "Mass Spectrometry" is part of the technology platform "Chemical Analytics - T-CHE" of the Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry of the TU Dresden. This technology area has different mass spectrometers for the measurement of molecular samples in the mass range up to 1500 au.
DCN - Dresden Center for Nanoanalysis
As the Technology Platform of the cfaed (Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden), the DCN provides the entire user community of the TU Dresden and its partner institutions in the DRESDEN-concept science network with both equipment and know-how for nanoanalytical material characterization.
We focus on electron and X-ray microscopy as well as in-situ characterization. In a sustainable concept, synergies are created and collaboration across scientific borders is promoted through central access to high-end equipment and the provision of a state-of-the-art infrastructure with magnetically shielded, highly specialized and low-noise laboratories.
Contact: Dr. Bernd Rellinghaus, Dr. Darius Pohl, Dr. Markus Löffler
NIC - Neuroimaging Center
The NIC offers an integrated infrastructure for cognitive, affective, and social neuroscience research on neural mechanisms underlying human cognition, emotion, motivation, and action control. Learn more...
- Siemens 32-channel 3 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system
- MRI-compatible 64-channel electroencephalography (EEG) system
- MRI compatible EDA device for skin conductance measurements, electrocardiography (ECG) device, pulse oximetry system
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) system
- Lab rooms for computerized behavioral experiments
- Semi-automatized pipelines for preprocessing / analyses of functional and structural MRI data and data management
Core Facilities the Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus
The Core Facility preclinical Magnetic Resonance (CFMR) is a specialized facility within the Centre for Metabolic and Immunological Diseases and Therapeutic Technologies Saxony (MITS), dedicated to preclinical imaging using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Our facility provides comprehensive imaging capabilities for morphological, functional, and metabolic assessments in rodent models.
Peter Mirtschink
Institut für Klinische Chemie und Laboratoriumsmedizin
Tel: 0351-458-15231
Piotr Ciesielski
Experimental Centrum
Tel: 0351-458-6155
The Core Facility Cellular Imaging (CFCI) is the equipment center for light and electron microscopy at the Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus of the TUD Dresden University of Technology. The CFCI also provides support for image processing and analysis. In addition to application training and equipment maintenance, the CFCI is an active member of the multi-institutional network Biopolis Dresden Imaging Platform (BioDIP) for central imaging units at the Johannstadtcampus in Dresden. The BioDIP makes state-of-the-art microscopy techniques and the necessary expertise available to all scientific departments across the campus.
Visitors Address:
Head of Facility
NameProf. Dr. Thomas Müller-Reichert
Specialist for TEM and CLEM, research in cell devision
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Medizinisch Theoretisches Zentrum, Office B.10.001C Fiedlerstraße 42
01307 Dresden
Contact Information:
Silke Tulok / Dr. Anja Nobst
Medical Theoretical Center, Office: A20.044
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Intravital Specialist
NameDr. Michael Gerlach
Training, scientific support and advice
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Medizinisch Theoretisches Zentrum, Office: A 20.044 Fiedlerstraße 42
01307 Dresden
Postal Address:
Technische Universität Dresden,
Medizinische Fakultät Carl Gustav Carus,
Core Facility Cellular Imaging (CFCI),
Prof. T. Müller-Reichert
Fetscherstraße 74, PF 117
01307 Dresden
The Institute of Physiological Chemistry at the Faculty of Medicine operates the FACS Facility. FACS stands for Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting and enables the counting and analysis of physical and molecular properties of particles or cells in a liquid stream. The facility offers various state-of-the-art devices for use: two Becton Dickinson FACSAria sorters in the Medical Theoretical Center (MTZ), a Becton Dickinson Symphony A3 and a Becton Dickinson LSRFortessa in the pediatric clinic at the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus.
Susann Höfner
FACS Facility Technician
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Rolf Jessberger
Institute Director
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Medizinische Fakultät der TU Dresden
Institut für Physiologische Chemie, MTZ, 1st floor, room A.10.044
Fiedlerstraße 42
01307 Dresden
The Facility for Reproductive and Transgenic Technologies is a service for scientists at the TUD Dresden University of Technology and their cooperation partners. Transgenic techniques such as the injection or electroporation of zygotes to create genetically modified mouse lines are offered as well as the electroporation of murine embryonic stem cells and their injection into morulae or blastulae. Pronucleus injection of simple plasmid or BAC constructs is also possible. The backup freezing of embryos of various stages (oozytes, two-cells and morulae) can be carried out, as can the cryopreservation of sperm and in vitro fertilization.
Dora Schreier
+49 351 458-16160
Facility for Reproductive and Transgenic Technologies (aka CRISPR/Cas)
Experimentelles Zentrum
Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus
TU Dresden
Fetscherstr. 74
01307 Dresden
Overview of the Technology Platforms and their core facilities with contact possibilities by DRESDEN-concept
DRESDEN-concept Genome Center
The DRESDEN-concept Genome Center (DcGC) constitutes a shared technology resource that offers the infrastructure for a broad range of state-of-the-art genomic technologies.
Core Expertise
- Singel Cell Transcriptomics
- Singel Cell Epigenomics
- Singel Cell Trageted Variation Analyses
Core Expertise
- De novo Assembly of Large Genomes
- Isoform sequencing
- Chromatin Architecture (HiC)
- PacBio Sequencing
Core Expertise
- Spatially Resolved Genomics Analyses
- Spatial Sequencing (shotgun)
- In situ Sequencing (targeted)
- Mikrodissektionen (shotgun)
Core Expertise
- Transkriptomics
- Epigenetics
- Genomic Variation Analyses
- Single Cell Genomcis
- Experimental Design und Statistics
- Data Integration und Visualisation
Purpose of the Open Lab
The Open Lab of the DcGC is providing an open accessible labspace for highly interactive joint developments with the DcGC Team members.
It also provides access to some shared devices that are maintained by the DcGC Team but can be used by scientist after an initial training.
The Biopolis Dresden Imaging Platform constitutes a multi-institutional network of core imaging facilities and provides open access to state-of-the-art microscopy systems as well as image analysis.
Following institutions are participating in our network:
- CMCB: Technology Platform (BIOTEC, B CUBE, CRTD): Light Microscopy, Electron Microscopy and Histology, Custom Microscopy
- PoL: Light Microscopy, BioImage Analysis, Custom Microscopy
- DZNE: Light Microscopy
- MPI-CBG: Light Microscopy, Electron Microscopy, Automated Microscopy
- CSBD: BioImage Analysis, Custom Microscopy
- Medical Faculty: Light Microscopy, Electron Microscopy
We facilitate research by offering …
- Open access to advanced imaging equipment and image analysis
- Scientific user support, technical training & method development
- Education, regular seminars & workshops on emerging technologies
- Organisation of conferences
- Strategic coordination of technology/instrument purchases
- Teaching and outreach (student courses, school projects, senior academy, school teacher education)