Table of contents
33 Entries
Image Testimonies: Witnessing in Times of Social Media , 2019, 1 ed., Routledge, Taylor & Francis, Abingdon, 194 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Book/Report/Anthology > Monograph
The Great Disruptor: über Trump, die Medien und die Politik der Herabsetzung , 2018, J.B. Metzler'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung und C.E. Poeschel Verlag GmbH Stuttgart-WeimarElectronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Book/Report/Anthology > Monograph
Culture - Theory - Disability: Encounters between Disability Studies and Cultural Studies , 2017, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 268 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Book/Report/Anthology > Anthology
Soziale Medien in Protestbewegungen: Neue Wege für Diskurs, Organisation und Empörung? , May 2015, Frankfurt am Main: Campus VerlagResearch output: Book/Report/Anthology > Monograph
Beautiful data: a history of vision and reason since 1945: Experimental futures , 2014, Durham: Duke University PressResearch output: Book/Report/Anthology > Monograph
Angst: Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch , 2013, J. B. Metzler'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung & Carl Ernst Poeschel GmbHElectronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Book/Report/Anthology > Monograph
Das Internet: Bereicherung oder Stressfaktor für die Demokratie? , 2013, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KGResearch output: Book/Report/Anthology > Anthology
Die Qualität des Partizipativen Journalismus im Web: Bausteine für ein integratives theoretisches Konzept und eine explanative empirische Analyse , 2013, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 366 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Book/Report/Anthology > Monograph
Performative Rechtserzeugung: Eine theoretische Annäherung , 2012, Velbrück Wissenschaft, 360 p.Research output: Book/Report/Anthology > Monograph
Polen. Jubiläen und Debatten.: Beiträge zur Erinnerungskultur , 2012, Wiesbaden: HarrassowitzResearch output: Book/Report/Anthology > Anthology
Contribution to Book/Conference proceedings/Anthology/Report
173 Entries
Flucht und Wege in den Arbeitsmarkt: Integrationserfahrungen und -verständnisse von Geflüchteten in Sachsen , 2021, Sachsen zwischen Integration und Desintegration. Politisch-kulturelle HeimatenResearch output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Chapter in book/anthology/report
Körperbilder/Bildkörper herabsetzen: Formeln des Schmähens von Machthabenden in aktuellen Protestbewegungen , 2021, Körper-Kränkungen: Der menschliche Leib als Medium der Herabsetzung. Israel, U. & Müller, J. (eds.). Campus Verlag, p. 365– 379Research output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Chapter in book/anthology/report
Planetary Intelligence , 2021, The Cultural Life of Machine Learning. London: PalgraveResearch output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Chapter in book/anthology/report
Public Opinion and the Tactile Internet , 2021, Tactile Internet: with Human-in-the-Loop. Fitzek, F. H., Li, S., Speidel, S., Strufe, T., Simsek, M. & Reisslein, M. (eds.). Academic Press, p. 375-391, 17 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Chapter in book/anthology/report
The Handmaid’s Space: Zu Maßstäben und Orten in The Handmaid’s Tale , 2021, Bildung nach reaktionären Revolutionen. Besand, A. (ed.). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, p. 67–85, 19 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Chapter in book/anthology/report
Vorwort. Literatur und das Böse , 2021, Literatur und das Böse: Beiträge zum Studierendenkongress Komparatistik 2019. Allirand, L., Braucks, A., Engelmann-Kewitz, S., Sakalak, G., Schweda, C. & Stöck, T. (eds.). Chr. A. Bachmann Verlag, p. 8-11Research output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Foreword/postscript
Beleidigungen als Gegenstand der Gesprächsrhetorik , 1 Nov 2020, Handbuch Gesprächsrhetorik. Hess-Lüttich, E. W. (ed.). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, Boston, p. 389-407, 19 p., (Handbücher Rhetorik)Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Chapter in book/anthology/report
Secure Embedding of Rooted Spanning Trees for Scalable Routing in Topology-Restricted Networks , 24 Sep 2020, 2020 International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS). Wiley-IEEE Press, p. 175-184, 10 p., 9252048Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Conference contribution
Software-Defined Mobile Supply Chains , Apr 2020, Dynamics in Logistics. Freitag, M., Haasis, H., Kotzab, H. & Pannek, J. (eds.). Springer Link, p. 420-430Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Chapter in book/anthology/report
8. Rethinking Community in Migration Studies: Lessons from Transnational Families for Rethinking the Relationship of ‘Community’ and ‘Society’ , 2020, Rethinking Community through Transdisciplinary Research. Jansen, B. (ed.). Palgrave Macmillan UK, p. 127-143Research output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Chapter in book/anthology/report
Contribution to Conference
44 Entries
On the Quest for Effectiveness in Human Oversight: Interdisciplinary Perspectives , 3 Jun 2024, 13 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to conferences > Paper
Caught by Design? A Differentiated Perspective on Digital Decision Making Through the Influence of Deceptive Design Patterns , 2024Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to conferences > Poster
Interorganizational Networks in the Face of Disruption: Building Resilience for Grand Challenges , 2024Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to conferences > Paper
Patterns of Entrepreneurial Stress and Coping Mechanisms. A Study of Solo-Self-Employed in Germany , 2024Research output: Contribution to conferences > Paper
Revitalizing Tradition: Examining Innovation Processes of Cooperatives in the Baking Industry - A Case Study Approach , 2024Research output: Contribution to conferences > Paper
Student Cooperatives as a Means to Promote Entrepreneurial Thinking , 2024Research output: Contribution to conferences > Paper
System-oriented Learning: An Efficient DNN Learning Approach for Koopman Bilinear Representation with Control , 2024Research output: Contribution to conferences > Paper
Uncovering coordination mechanisms in diverse inter-organizational cooperation: Bridging gaps in empirical understanding , 2024Research output: Contribution to conferences > Paper
Disruption and Societal Change: Exploring Knowledge Systems and Practices , 8 Aug 2023, 1 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to conferences > Poster
Detailed View on Digital Deception: Investigating the Impact of the Dark Patterns Preselection, Confirmshaming and Disguised Ads on Decision Making , Aug 2023Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to conferences > Poster
Contribution to Journal
142 Entries
Ästhetik des Überlebens: Die Hütte als experimentelle Kontaktszene in Romanen von Marlen Haushofer, Laura Beatty und Céline Minard , 1 Sep 2022, 52, 3, p. 489-510, 22 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Expert and Diffuse Design of a Sustainable Circular Economy in Two German Circular Roadmap Projects , Sep 2022, 11, 9, 12 p., 408Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Kontaktszenen. Narrative gestörter Wissenskommunikation , 25 Aug 2022, 52, September, p. 411-421, 11 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Anti-Authoritarianism as a Liberal Culture: Richard Rorty Between Communitarian and Liberal Criticism , 1 Aug 2022, 43, 9, p. 170-194Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Mobile politische Beteiligung. Erneut nur die üblichen Verdächtigen?: Eine empirische Analyse der Nutzung der Tübinger BürgerApp , Jun 2022Research output: Contribution to journal > Research article
EMG-Driven Machine Learning Control of a Soft Glove for Grasping Assistance and Rehabilitation , Apr 2022, 7, 2, p. 1566-1573, 8 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Underactuated Soft Hip Exosuit Based on Adaptive Oscillators to Assist Human Locomotion , Apr 2022, 7, 2, p. 936-943, 8 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
The Aesthetics and Politics of Elemental Agency , 28 Mar 2022, 70, 1, p. 3-22, 20 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Framing COVID-19: Public Leadership and Crisis Communication By Chancellor Angela Merkel During the Pandemic in 2020 , 10 Mar 2022, 32, 4, p. 686-709, 24 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Fachkräfte in der Chemiebranche: Bestandsaufnahme und Herausforderungen , Mar 2022, 2022, 193, p. 49 - 51Research output: Contribution to journal > Short survey/review
Non-textual forms of publication
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Other publications
Contribution to Specialist Publication
1 Entries
Http-based anonymous communication channels , Jun 2004, Vol. 29. p. 30-33, 4 p.Research output: Contribution to specialist publication > Feature article/contribution (Feuilleton)
Types of Thesis
The FIS cannot provide any results for the selected parameters.
2 Entries
Interaction and Affect are Key: Understanding Technology Demonstrators for Science Communication on Dialogue Events , 29 Feb 2024Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Preprint/documentation/report > Preprint
Sprachassistenten: Ich höre was, das du nicht hörst: Medienvielfalt und Transparenz bei Sprachassistenten. , 2021, Landesanstalt für Medien NRWElectronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Preprint/documentation/report > Working paper
Other Contribution
10 Entries
The Life that Perceives Itself Changing:: Parable of the Sower and the Transformative Pedagogy of Cyborg Ethics , 2022, Association of Literature and the Environment (ASLE)Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Other contribution > Other
Teaching North American Petrocultures in Germany: Experiments in Collaborative Pedagogy , 16 Sep 2021, Rice UniversityElectronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Other contribution > Other
Geologic Subjectivity: A Speculative Glossary of Earthly Estrangements in Theory and Fiction , 2020, Hochschule für Künste BremenElectronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Other contribution > Other
Review of Physics Envy: American Poetry and Science in the Cold War and After , 2017Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Other contribution > Other
Cinema/Cybernetics/Visuality: An Interview with Orit Halpern. (With Eddie Loymeyer) , 2016, International Journal of CommunicationResearch output: Other contribution > Other
Demo or Die! : On Art as Software. Or the cautionary tale of how Mongolian desert gerbils changed the future of machine learning, known today as Artificial Intelligence , 2016, TateResearch output: Other contribution > Other
A Short History of Clouds (Catalogue Entry for exhibition Poetics and Politics of Data) , 2015, Basel: Christoph Merian VerlagElectronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Other contribution > Other
Skewing the City , 2013, London: London School of EconomicsResearch output: Other contribution > Other
On Seeing Like a Machine (Exhibition Catalogue Essay for Seoul Media-city Biennial at the Seoul Museum of Art Korean and English) , Sep 2012, Seoul: Seoul: Seoul Museum of ArtResearch output: Other contribution > Other
Det skannande ögat. Cybernetik, seende och efterkrigsdesign (Cybernetics and Design) , 2010, OEI—lekResearch output: Other contribution > Other