Poster: Future workshop 1
A poster for collecting and documenting topics as part of the "future workshop" method.
Here is the PDF in DIN A 1 format (59.4 cm x 84.1 cm)
Didactic commentary
Every future workshop begins with a criticism or nagging phase. This is remarkable, because the future workshop is actually about constructively looking forward make plans without restrictions. Obviously, however, this does not work without being aware of what it is that is actually annoying you and then - at least very briefly - being able to moan about it a little. When organizing this phase, it is therefore important to never lose sight of the fact that this is only a first (unavoidable and only seemingly unproductive) initial step and that the time for this should remain very limited. Depending on how much time is available in total for the future workshop, the phase can therefore be strictly limited to 15 minutes. The criticism is collected and not commented on further at this point. The aim is simply to make it visible so that it can be translated into a constructive form in a second step. We have also designed a poster to support this phase, which you can find here.
What else do I need?
Pens, possibly also moderation cards or sticky notes