Publikationen von Jochen Fröhlich als Professor ab 2008 1 bis 10 von 254 EinträgenJain, R.; Tschisgale, S.; Fröhlich, J.: Impact of shape: DNS of sediment transport with non-spherical particles. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics 916 (2021)Engelmann, D.; Sinkwitz, M.; Mare, F. di; Koppe, B.; Mailach, R.; Ventosa-Molina, J.; Fröhlich, J.; Schubert, T.; Niehuis, R.: Near-Wall Flow in Turbomachinery Cascades—Results of a German Collaborative Project. In: International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power 6 (2021), Nr. 2Tajfirooz, S.; Meijer, J. G.; Kuerten, J. G. M.; Hausmann, M.; Fröhlich, J.; Zeegers, J. C. H.: Statistical-learning method for predicting hydrodynamic drag, lift, and pitching torque on spheroidal particles. In: Phys. Rev. E 103 (2021)Yang, X.; Mühlhausen, M.-P.; Fröhlich, J.: Efficient simulation of bubble dispersion and resulting interaction. In: Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow 3 (2021), Nr. 3, S. 152–170Tschisgale, S.; Fröhlich, J.: An immersed boundary method for the fluid-structure interaction of slender flexible structures in viscous fluid. In: Journal of Computational Physics 423 (2020)Joppa, M.; Köhler, H.; Rüdiger, F.; Majschak, J.-P.; Fröhlich, J.: Prediction of Cleaning by Means of Computational Fluid Dynamics: Implication of the Pre‐wetting of a Swellable Soil. In: Heat Transfer Engineering 41 (2020), Nr. 2, S. 178–188Heitkam, S.; Sommer, A.-E.; Drenckhan, W.; Fröhlich, J.: Corrigendum: A simple collision model for small bubbles (2017 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 124005). In: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2020)Köhler, H.; Golla, C.; Fröhlich, J.; Rüdiger, F.: Prediction of the Cleaning Time of Adhesively Detaching Soil Layers in a Channel Flow with Sudden Expansion by CFD-Simulation. In: 34th EFFoST International Conference 2020 (2020)Löhrer, B.; Doppler, D.; Puijalon, S.; Rivière, N.; Jerome, J. J. S.; Fröhlich, J.: A first simulation of a model aquatic canopy at high Cauchy number. In: Conference River Flow, Delft, Netherlands, from 7 to 10 July (2020), S. 152–158Löhrer, B.; Jerome, J. J. S.; Barsu, S.; Rivière, N.; Doppler, D.; Fröhlich, J.: Velocity field in a single row canopy made of flexible blades for a static reconfiguration case and a monami case. In: Conference River Flow, Delft, Netherlands, from 7 to 10 July (2020), S. 159–166 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WeiterDiese Informationen werden vom Vorgängersystem FIS bereitgestellt.