Grids for periodic hill configuration ===================================== This directory contains two grids for the periodic hill geometry defined in [Mellen,Fröhlich,Rodi,Proc. IMACS Conference, Lausanne, 2000]. The grids in this reference were generated by means of an own elliptic grid generation programme. Two of them are provided here. The first grid is a wall-resolving grid ( C6 in this reference ), the second grid is a wall-function grid ( C4 and C5 in this reference ). The directory contains both grids in tecplot format as well as a small fortran programme to read the grids and possibly convert them to another format. Further information is provided in the above reference and two papers [Temmermann,Leschziner,Mellen,Fröhlich,IJHFF,2003] and [Fröhlich,Mellen,Rodi,Temmerman,Leschziner,JFM,2005]. Jochen Fröhlich