Details zur Lehrveranstaltung Here you can find further information and the names of the lecturers (with login). Dating, environmental research and supernova explosions Modul:Phy-Ba-PV: Physikalische Vertiefung Lecture language German and English Summary of Lecture: Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) method: radionuclides, isotopes, accelerator, single atom counting, capabilities; Applications: - radiocarbon (14C)-dating; - Extraterrestrial: Supernova-signatures, astrophysics, asteroids and meteorites. - Anthropogenic nuclides as sensitive tracers of our environment; - Geology (cosmogenic nuclides, climate of the past, ocean tracers) - biomedical applications data set up-to-date Scope:lecture: 2 hours/week tutorials: 1 hours/week Time/location: MO(5) ASB/328 Tutorials: Group Time/location: DO(4) ugW. ASB/328 Audience: Vertiefung Bachelor (PV) und Master (alle) Specialization area:Teilchen- und Kernphysik (Vorlesung im Wahlpflichtvertiefungsgebiet, masterartig) Previous knowledge: Grundlagen der Kernphysik Certificate: muendliche Pruefung Enrolment: Web-reference: