Details zur Lehrveranstaltung Here you can find further information and the names of the lecturers (with login). Biophysical Methods Modul:Phy-Ba-PV: Physikalische Vertiefung Lecture language German Summary of Lecture: Overview of the most important methods of modern Biophysics a.o. microscopy, spectroscopy, structure determination, single molecule methods data set up-to-date Scope:lecture: 2 hours/week Time/location: DI(3) ASB/028 Audience: Vertiefung Bachelor (PV) und Master (alle) Specialization area: Previous knowledge: Klassische Physik, mathematische Grundlagen Diff.- Integralrechnung Certificate: Klausur Enrolment: Web-reference: Vorlesung auf Deutsch, Folien auf Englisch Lecture is in German, transparencies are in English