Aktuelles Semester
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Annotated University Calendars Winter Term 2019/20
Show only lectures held in English language
Vertiefung Bachelor (PV) und Master (alle)
International Max Planck Research School
Master Organic and Molecular Electronics
Kompaktkurse | |
Preparatory course physics for new students of all areas (German) | |
Special items of classical electrodynamics: multipoles, Legendre polynomials etc. (German) | |
Fundamental Processes of Radiation Interaction with Material Phy-Ma-Vert (German) | |
Bachelor 1. Semester | |
Data Analysis for the Physics Labcourse EP+P (German) | |
Experimental Physics 1 (Mechanics, Thermodynamics) - selected topics Phy-Ba-EP-ExI+II MN-SEGY-PHY-Ph1 MN-SEBS-PHY-Ph1 MN-SEMS-PHY-Ph1 (German) | |
Experimental Physics 1 for Physicists, Physics Teachers and Mathematicians Phy-Ba-EP-ExI+II MN-SEGY-PHY-Ph1 MN-SEBS-PHY-Ph1 MN-SEMS-PHY-Ph1 (German) | |
Physics for Chemists I (German) | |
Physics 1 for electronic engineers (German) | |
Physics 1 for Hydroscientists (German) | |
Physics 1 for Material Scientists (German) | |
Physics for students of biology (German) | |
Physics for students of chemistry (Lehramt) (German) | |
Physics for the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (German) | |
Programming Phy-Ba-P-EinfProg (German) | |
Mathematical Methods in Physics Phy-Ba-TP-RTM (German) | |
Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis Phy-Ba-P-EinfProg MN-SEGY-PHY-Ph1 MN-SEBS-PHY-Ph1 MN-SEMS-PHY-Ph1 (German) | |
Bachelor 3. Semester | |
Electrodynamics Phy-Ba-TP-ED (German) | |
Experimental Physics 3 EP-III (German) | |
Proseminar IAP: Free topic - choose your own Phy-Ba-AQ (English) | |
Structure and properties of Solids Phy-Ba-AQ (German) | |
Proseminar IKTP: Experimental nuclear and particle physics Phy-Ba-AQ (English) | |
Proseminar on Theoretical Physics Phy-Ba-AQ (English) | |
Bachelor 5. Semester | |
Solid State Physics Phy-Ba-EP-FK (German) | |
Particle and Nuclear Physics Phy-Ba-EP-TK (German) | |
Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics Phy-Ba-TP-TS (German) | |
Vertiefung Bachelor (PV) und Master (alle) | |
Nonequilibrium field theory Phy-Ma-Vert (English) | |
Specialization area: | |
Magnetism on the nanoscale Phy-Ba-Vert (English) | |
Specialization area: Festkörper- und Materialphysik (Elektronische Eigenschaften von Festkörpern) | |
Modern Topics in Physical Chemistry of Polymeric Materials Phy-Ma-Vert (English) | |
Specialization area: Weiche kondensierte Materie und biologische Physik | |
Open quantum system dynamics Phy-Ma-Vert (English) | |
Specialization area: | |
Phase transitions in active soft matter Phy-Ma-Vert (English) | |
Specialization area: | |
Chaos in higher- dimensional systems Phy-Ma-Vert (English) | |
Specialization area: | |
Optical Spectroscopy of Quantum Matter Phy-Ma-Vert (English) | |
Specialization area: | |
Time series analysis Phy-Ma-Vert (English) | |
Specialization area: | |
Analytical tools for quantum many-body physics Phy-Ma-Vert (English) | |
Specialization area: Theoretische Physik | |
General Theory of Relativity Phy-Ma-Vert (German) | |
Specialization area: | |
Biological Hydrodynamics Phy-Ma-Vert (English) | |
Specialization area: | |
Biophysical Methods Phy-Ma-Vert (German) | |
Specialization area: | |
Magnetism I Phy-Ba-Vert (German) | |
Specialization area: Festkörper- und Materialphysik (Elektronische Eigenschaften von Festkörpern) | |
Solid state spectroscopy Phy-Ba-Vert (English) | |
Specialization area: Festkörper- und Materialphysik (Elektronische Eigenschaften von Festkörpern) | |
Higgs and Beyond Standard Model Physics Phy-Ma-Vert (German) | |
Specialization area: Teilchen- und Kernphysik | |
Material Science using Ions Phy-Ma-Vert (English) | |
Specialization area: Angewandte Festkörperphysik und Photonik | |
Modern Optics 2 Phy-Ma-Vert (German) | |
Specialization area: | |
Nanooptics - MC Nanobiophysics Phy-Ma-Vert (English) | |
Specialization area: Angewandte Festkörperphysik und Photonik ,Weiche kondensierte Materie und biologische Physik | |
Neutrino Physics Phy-Ma-Vert (German) | |
Specialization area: | |
Nuclear Physics: Fundamentals and Applications Phy-Ma-Vert (English) | |
Specialization area: Teilchen- und Kernphysik | |
Physics at extreme conditions Phy-Ba-Vert (German) | |
Specialization area: Festkörper- und Materialphysik (Elektronische Eigenschaften von Festkörpern) | |
Plasticity Phy-Ma-Vert (German) | |
Specialization area: | |
Relativistic quantum field theory Phy-Ma-Vert (German) | |
Specialization area: Theoretische Physik | |
Introduction to Semiconductor Physics Phy-Ma-Vert (German) | |
Specialization area: Angewandte Festkörperphysik und Photonik | |
Semiconductor Quantum Structures Phy-Ma-Vert (English) | |
Specialization area: Angewandte Festkörperphysik und Photonik | |
Phy-Ma-Vert (German) | |
Specialization area: | |
Statistical Methods in Data Analysis Phy-Ma-Vert (English) | |
Specialization area: | |
Applied Radiation Physics Phy-Ma-Vert (German) | |
Specialization area: Teilchen- und Kernphysik | |
Superconductivity II Phy-Ma-Vert (English) | |
Specialization area: Festkörper- und Materialphysik (Elektronische Eigenschaften von Festkörpern) | |
Theoretical Polymer Physics Phy-Ma-Vert (English) | |
Specialization area: Weiche kondensierte Materie und biologische Physik ,Theoretische Physik | |
The Physics of Phase Transitions (incl. Renormalization Group Methods) Phy-Ma-Vert (German) | |
Specialization area: | |
Theory of Superconductivity Phy-Ma-Vert (English) | |
Specialization area: | |
Master Kursveranstaltungen | |
Experimental Physics (Key Concepts for Physics Master) Phy-Ma-Exp (German) | |
Theoretical Physics Phy-Ma-Theo (German) | |
Master Hauptseminare | |
Topics in Mathematical Physics Phy-Ma-Hsem (German) | |
Hauptseminar IAP: power storage Phy-Ma-Hsem (German) | |
Hauptseminar IKTP: Recent findings in nuclear astrophysics and beyond Phy-Ma-Hsem (English) | |
Quantum effects in high magnetic fields Phy-Ma-Hsem (German) | |
Topology: From Mathematics to Physics Phy-Ma-Hsem (German and English) | |
Lehramt (Staatsexamen) | |
Data Analysis for the Physics Labcourse MN-SEGY-PHY-Ph1 MN-SEBS-PHY-Ph1 MN-SEMS-PHY-Ph1 (German) | |
Introduction to physics education MN-SEGY-PHY-Did-I MN-SEBS-PHY-Did-I MN-SEMS-PHY-Did I (German) | |
zu Titel (deutsch): Staatsexamen (ab 5. Semester) MN-SEGY-PHY-Did-I MN-SEBS-PHY-Did-I MN-SEMS-PHY-Did I (German) | |
Experimental Physics 1 (Mechanics, Thermodynamics) - selected topics MN-SEGY-PHY-Ph1 MN-SEBS-PHY-Ph1 MN-SEMS-PHY-Ph1 (German) | |
Experimental Physics 1 for Physicists, Physics Teachers and Mathematicians MN-SEGY-PHY-Ph1 MN-SEBS-PHY-Ph1 MN-SEMS-PHY-Ph1 (German) | |
Structure of Matter (Solid State Physics) Ph-SdM (German) | |
Historical experiments and history of physics MN-SEGY-PHY-Ges MN-SEBS-PHY-Ges (German) | |
Optics for teacher training students MN-SEGY-PHY-OQ MN-SEBS-PHY-OQ MN-SEMS-PHY-OQ (German) | |
Quantum theory for physics teachers MN-SEGY-PHY-MoTh MN-SEBS-PHY-MoTh (German) | |
Particle and Nuclear Physics for Students in Education MN-SEGY-PHY-Univ-GY (German) | |
Theoretical Electrodynamics for Teachers MN-SEGY-PHY-KlTh MN-SEBS-PHY-KlTh MN-SEMS-PHY-KlTh (German) | |
International Max Planck Research School | |
Research Seminar: Origin of Life (English) | |
Research Seminar: Tissue Optics and Microscopy (English) | |
Master Organic and Molecular Electronics | |
Quantum solid state physics (English) | |