Current publications of the professorship
303 Entries
Konfliktinduzierte Zielabschirmung und die Hintergrundüberwachung prospektiver Gedächtnisreize , 2007Research output: Contribution to conferences > Paper
Mechanisms of cognitive control: Automatic, intentional and affective modulation of cognitive control processes , 2007Research output: Types of Thesis > Habilitation thesis
Neural Mechanisms of Cognitive Control in Cued Task-Switching: Rules, Representations, and Preparation , 2007, Neuroscience of Rule-Guided Behavior. Oxford University Press, OxfordElectronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Chapter in book/Anthology/Report
Parallel memory retrieval in dual-task situations? , 2007Research output: Other contribution > Other
Spatial and temporal processing biases in visual working memory in specific anxiety , 2007Research output: Types of Thesis > Doctoral thesis
Unconscious modulation of the conscious experience of voluntary control , 2007Research output: Types of Thesis > Doctoral thesis
Von der Normal- zur Patchworkbiografie , 2007, Psychologie im Arbeitsleben: Wissenschaftlich denken – praktisch handeln: Abstract und Programm der 5. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Antoni, C. H., Bauer-Emmel, C. & Fischbach, A. (eds.). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers, p. 150, 1 p.Research output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Conference contribution
Neural mechanisms of advance preparation in task switching , Jun 2006, In: NeuroImage. 31, 2, p. 887-895, 9 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Attentional set mixing: Effects on target selection and selective response activation , 2006, In: PsychophysiologyElectronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Brain-electrical correlates of negative location priming under sustained and transient attentional context conditions , 2006, In: Journal of psychophysiology : an international journalElectronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article