Contact and Services
Here, you will find all the contact and service points of the TUD Dresden University of Technology, which are relevant for the efficient running of the university. Please note, that information for perspective students is available by clicking the STUDIES links. The “ServiceCenterStudium” offers advice and deals with any inquiries regarding student affairs, daily 9am – 3pm (+49 351 463 42 000).

Contact and Services
Apart from access to the telephone directory, a brief overview of the emergency telephone numbers is provided. In order to support teaching and research at the TU Dresden different ServiceDesk are available.
The experts of the combined workshop and experimental services work for university and extramural research cooperation projects. The room hire and allocation service provides swift access to classrooms and teaching facilities.
The “ServiceCenterStudium” offers advice and deals with any inquiries regarding student affairs, (+49 351 463 42 000) or .