DO it NOW - Sustainability Week 15-21.06.2024
From June 15th - 21st, the sustainability week will take place with lots of exciting activities around the topic of sustainability. Not only the environment will be in focus during this week, but also social sustainability. During this week you will have the opportunity to meet sustainability actors from TU Dresden and the city of Dresden on campus and online.
Opening of the Sustainability Week, the Get involved - car free campus on 17th June 2024, 1 p.m. in the courtyard of the Fritz-Foerster-Bau.
Table of contents
Continuing programme
Parallel to the Sustainability Week, the hands-on festival will take place on Mommsenstraße in front of the Alte Mensa from Wednesday to Friday, organized by the TU Environmental Initiative (tuuwi). To show what a lively campus without cars can look like, the area in front of the Alte Mensa will be filled with a variety of art, music and sports activities and will be temporarily greened.
Have you never ridden a cargo bike before and/or would you like to try out our tuuwi cargo bike model? Then you can test ride the cargo bike every day of the hands-on festival from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p. m. You are welcome to borrow it for a test ride!
You can find out more on the tuuwi website.
Location: Mommsenstraße in front of the Alte Mensa
With the kind support of the SLUB you can bring books, take them with you or simply swap and browse
We, the FSR EW/ SozPäd, are organizing the first Pride Week at the faculty together with the FSR ABS! Among other things, we organize workshops, lectures, reading, barbecue and theater evenings and much more! You can find all the information about Pride Week in our OPAL course or on our website! You can also register for events such as workshops, where the number of participants is limited.
We look forward to seeing you there!
15.06.2024 (Saturday)
Location: Square in front of the KiEZ and the Prohliszentrum
Together with Zuhause in Prohlis e. V., the TUD invites people of all ages to a summer festival full of interaction, music and fun. The hands-on festival will be a place for exchange on social issues and encounters with science. Playful and participatory formats invite visitors to engage with the question of how we want to live together as a society and to reflect on the fundamental values of our society.
More information: https: //
17.06.2024 (Monday)
Location: Fritz-Förster-Bau/ Room 102
Get into conversation over a coffee. All stakeholders and interested parties in the field of sustainability are welcome at the Sustainable Coffee Hour. Here you can find out what is happening in terms of sustainability and who is involved where and how. Some stakeholders will introduce themselves in short pitches.
Registration no longer possible
Location: Campus Dresden
Interdisciplinary ESD teaching units on ocean acidification and sea level rise were developed as part of state examination theses and can be carried out as a project day at TU Dresden. As these are projects from physics didactics, the focus will be on the physical aspects. However, social aspects of environmental problems will also be highlighted. We are particularly interested in the extent to which students' creative and critical thinking can be promoted through the teaching units on climate change.
Registration by email: . The offer is only suitable for school classes and pupils between the ages of 14 and 17.
Location: Campus Dresden
Interdisciplinary BNE teaching units on ocean acidification and sea level rise were developed as part of state examination theses and can be carried out as a project day at TU Dresden. As these are projects from physics didactics, the focus will be on the physical aspects. However, social aspects of environmental problems will also be highlighted. We are particularly interested in the extent to which students' creative and critical thinking can be promoted through the teaching units on climate change.
Location: to be announced
Speakers: Gerlinde L. Behnke
Because sustainability also includes the sustainability of human relationships:
Taster course and some background information on non-violent communication according to Rosenberg (NVC)
We have learned a certain way of dealing with other opinions at home and in our environment: Withdraw, blurt out, attack is the best oath or seek compromise etc....
NVC takes a different approach. With NVC you can learn to pay attention to what is really important to you / what you can stand by. On the other hand, you can also learn to find out what is important to the other person, even if he/she expresses him/herself in a completely different way. ("I hear something you don't say").
NVC requires courage. It is a way of life rather than just a communication method. And certainly not a soft-spoken one.
In two separate sessions of 1.5 - 2 hours each, you will hear a little background on NVC and then practise seeing the world differently and practising reacting to it differently. Because:
"Not the environment, not heredity, but the personal response is ultimately the deciding factor in our lives. And here lies our responsibility!" - Martin Luther King
Join us for a summer movie night and networking!
On 17 June, the Women@DDc Network is showing the Hollywood movie “Bombshell.”
At 5 pm, drinks and snacks from Club 11 e.V. will open on the terrace and stairs of Fritz-Foerster-Bau. The movie starts at 6 pm and will be shown in the seminar room inside the Fritz-Foerster-Bau on the first floor.
Seize the opportunity to enjoy some cool drinks and to network in a chill summer atmosphere before and after the movie!
- Everyone is welcome! Free entrance.
- The film will be shown in English with German subtitles.
- Please register via LinkedIn registration or by email to
About the film: Bombshell is a 2019 American drama film directed by Jay Roach and written by Charles Randolph. The film stars Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman, and Margot Robbie, and is based on the accounts of the women at Fox News who set out to expose CEO Roger Ailes for sexual harassment.
18.06.2024 (Tuesday)
Location: StuRa hut
In the spring, a 1,000-liter water tank was installed at the Stura hut and connected to the roof drainage system as part of a joint project between Stadtentwässerung Dresden and the Dresden gießt initiative. The stored rainwater is now available for watering the campus greenery, especially the trees on the HSZ meadow.
If you would like to take part in the Gießkannenheld:innen initiative, please register via OPAL. Regular watering campaigns are planned over the summer months.
Location: Inner courtyard of the Fritz-Förster-Bau
Come along to the open writing space. Accompanied by the Writing Center, you can devote yourself to your writing topics in the green space. Registration is requested.
Place: Hülssehof
Are you in the mood for plants? The Plants and Care working group has been active again since the winter semester 2023 and is offering a workshop on pruning during the Sustainability Week. In this workshop, participants will not only learn the basics of professional pruning, but also the ecological importance of this practice for plant health and the environment. If you are interested, come along!
You can find more information about the Working group Plants and Care here or in the Opal course.
Do you know what "Cradle to Cradle" means? In this presentation by Sophie Hilpert, Head of Building Alliance C2C NGO, learn how this visionary model enables a sustainable future by considering products as valuable resources in a circular economy from start to finish.
Place: courtyard in front of Fritz-Förster-Bau
You can find more Information about the STEM Scholarship here.
Location: Makerspace of the SLUB (Drehpunct, Zellescher Weg 17)
If a household appliance no longer works or sewing work is needed, a visit to the RepairCafé on campus can help. This self-help workshop helps visitors to hopefully get their broken appliance back in working order under the guidance of tech-savvy volunteers.
The next RepairCafé will take place on the campus on June 18th at 5:00 and 7:30 pm. Anyone who would like free support and advice on repairs is welcome. This RepairCafé takes place as part of the regular repair events, which are held every 3rd Tuesday of the month in the SLUB Makerspace in the Drepunct Library (Zellescher Weg 17). Not only the volunteers of the RepairCafé Dresden/ Freital initiative provide support, but also SLUB staff with knowledge and equipment ranging from 3D printers to sewing machines.
In addition to repairing things, the focus is also on the café character. Visitors to the RepairCafé will be able to talk to each other over coffee and cake.
Registration: https: //
Location: Fritz-Förster-Bau inner courtyard
Climate change as a challenge and opportunity for social cohesion
Climate change has long been scientifically proven and is on many national agendas, and yet there are sceptics - voices that deny it or instrumentalize it politically. Recently, groups have been using the issue to push their agenda and stir up public opinion. They are defiant and even hateful towards people who are campaigning for a rethink. Climate change can be seen as one of the biggest challenges for social cohesion and at the same time as the unifying element, as we are all affected by the effects of climate change.
What can we do to stop climate change? How will my own life and health be affected by climate change? Can we still do something about climate change? What forms of climate change denial are there and how are far-right actors increasingly mobilizing against climate policy? Is the current debate even an opportunity to come together? How can this succeed?
We want to explore these and many other questions as part of the TUD Lectures PLUS "Social Cohesion" on June 18. Dr. Manès Weisskircher, Head of the BMBF junior research group REXKLIMA, Prof. Matthias Mauder, Chair of Meteorology, and Alice Freiberg, Head of the Research Unit of Occupational, Social and Environmental Epidemiology at the Institute and Polyclinic for Occupational and Social Medicine, will answer questions from the audience. The event will be moderated by Prof. Moritz Ingwersen, Junior Professor of North American Literature with a focus on future studies.
Speakers: Prof. Matthias Mauder, Chair of Meteorology, Dr. Manès Weisskircher is head of the BMBF junior research group REXKLIMA (Right-wing extremism versus climate action?) at the Institute of Political Science, TU Dresden and Dr. rer. medic. Alice Freiberg, head of the research area of occupational/social/environmental epidemiology. She works at the Institute and Polyclinic for Occupational and Social Medicine at TU Dresden.
Moderation: Junior Professorship Dr. Moritz Ingwersen, Junior Professorship in North American Literature with a Focus on Future Studies
19.06.2024 (Wednesday)
Location: Binder-Wiese, in case of rain: FOE/102
Discover the connection between yoga and sustainability! In a relaxed atmosphere, we will practise yoga exercises that not only strengthen the body and mind, but also raise awareness of the environment and sustainability. Come along to relax, recharge your batteries and do something for our environment at the same time.
Please bring a yoga mat and wear comfortable clothing
Registration is no longer possible. All places are taken.
Location: Mommsenstraße in front of the Alte Mensa (or in bad weather in the foyer in front of the Student Service Center in the Fritz-Foerster-Bau)
At the information stand, you will receive tips on how to avoid waste in everyday life. Because things don't always have to be bought new or thrown away. There are numerous opportunities in Dresden to buy, repair, rent, swap, sell or donate used items. Resources can also be saved with reusable products, low-waste shopping, avoiding food waste and using free drinking water stations. And if you do produce waste, you should dispose of it separately. That way, it can be recycled. You can test your knowledge of what goes in which waste garbage can on site.
Location: Mommsenstraße in front of the Alte Mensa (or in case of bad weather in the foyer in front of the Service-Center Studium in the Fritz-Foerster-Bau)
Location: Mommsenstraße in front of the old canteen
Those involved in student self-administration at TU Dresden would like to invite you toMommsenstraße on19.06.2024 from 11:00 to 15:00 with the StuRa and the student members of the Senate to listen to ideas and wishes, but also toconcerns and problems. With this diverse range of advice, you can get help, or at least be referred to the appropriate contact person or bring your topics into university politics You have the opportunity to talk to us in person or write down your opinion on some of the prepared flipcharts. This is particularly about
- sustainability
- Teaching/studying/examination conditions
- Culture/campus life/semester ticket
- Inclusion and diversity
- Social/mental health/financial difficulties
and all other social issues and the university.
Location: Mommsenstraße in front of the Alte Mensa (or in case of bad weather in the foyer in front of the Service-Center Studium in the Fritz-Foerster-Bau)
"What are you doing for a greener, healthier and more liveable future or what are you going to do?" We give concrete tips on how to save CO2 and money by changing your everyday behavior, e.g. cycling instead of driving, eating more fruit and vegetables instead of meat.
Location: Mommsenstraße in front of the Alte Mensa
The "Campus Visions" event invites you to creatively shape the transition to a car-free campus in a collective drawing space. Under the direction of Susanne Vogel, Mommsenstraße will become a canvas for your ideas. Together we will create a lively and inspiring atmosphere in which every dream counts and every idea has a place.
Location: Mommsenstraße in front of the old canteen
As part of the concert project(, ideas for future mobility on campus will be exchanged. One focus is on parking space management.
The Chair of Mobility System Planning will provide technical support for the exchange.
Place: Meadow next to the Binder building
Meet other tutors!
This workshop serves to deepen, clarify questions and network with other tutors. We collect sustainable topics / methods / material from the ideas in the tutorial that have proven successful - what can be used in the next semester? Which app or tool can you recommend?
Location: Binder-Wiese
In this workshop of the TU Dresden Writing Center (SZD), you will learn about writing and thinking methods that you can use for your studies and which we will try out directly in the workshop on the topic of "Sustainability in everyday life". Reflect on your use of resources in everyday life, exchange ideas with fellow students on how you can make your everyday life sustainable - and at the same time take away new ideas for your studies.
PS: Coffee, tea and water will be provided to help you think better during the workshop :-)
Place: Meadow next to the Binder Building (or in case of bad weather HSZ/103)
Speakers: Gerlinde L. Behnke
Because sustainability also includes the sustainability of human relationships:
Taster course and some background on non-violent communication according to Rosenberg (NVC)
We have learned a certain way of dealing with other opinions at home and in our environment: Withdraw, blurt out, attack is the best oath or seek compromise etc....
NVC takes a different approach. With NVC you can learn to pay attention to what is really important to you / what you can stand by. On the other hand, you can also learn to find out what is important to the other person, even if he/she expresses him/herself in a completely different way. ("I hear something you don't say").
NVC requires courage. It is a way of life rather than just a communication method. And certainly not a soft-spoken one.
In two separate sessions of 1.5 - 2 hours each, you will hear a little background on NVC and then practise seeing the world differently and practising reacting to it differently. Because:
"Not the environment, not heredity, but the personal response is ultimately the deciding factor in our lives. And here lies our responsibility!" - Martin Luther King
Registration: https: //
Location: Mommsenstraße in front of the old canteen
The district council founded Bürger.Courage e.V. in 2005. The association is committed to right-wing extremist thinking and everyday racism. We are looking forward to an interesting insight into the effects of right-wing populism.
20.06.2024 (Thursday)
Location: Mommsenstr. in front of the Alte Mensa (or FOE/101 in case of bad weather)
Gourmets take note! If you want to start the morning with a relaxed breakfast and get into conversation with stakeholders in the fields of education, nutrition or sustainability at TU Dresden, the cozy and free sustainability breakfast on June 20 between 10 a.m. and 12 noon on Mommsenstraße in front of the Alte Mensa is the right place for you. What should the education of the future look like? Let's develop a vision together. Everyone is welcome. The teaching kitchen will provide refreshments and you can make your own smoothie using leg power on the smoothie wheel. Try it out.
Here you can talk to:
- Students and lecturers of the subject WTH/S
- Center for Continuing Education (ZfW)
- ZiLL
- Green Office
- Foodsharing
- Global Citizenship Certificate
- Verbraucherzentrale Sachsen
You can register here, but you are also welcome to drop by spontaneously, because whether you are a student, employee or guest - there is something for everyone!
Location: Campusbüro mit Kind, Nürnberger Straße 31A
Yawning emptiness in your closet? Or is it bursting at its seams?
Either way, we can help! On Thursday our second children's clothes swap fair will take place as part of TU Dresden's Sustainability Week. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., the children's clothes carousel will be spinning in the "Uni mit Kind" campus office. Children's clothes and toys in good condition can be brought along and swapped. Even those who don't (yet) have anything to swap and just want to come and browse are very welcome. In addition to children's clothes and toys on the swap tables, there will be coffee, tea and cake. Tables will be provided by us.
The children's clothes swap is free of charge and no registration is required. Questions can be directed to campusbuero@studentenwerk-dresden or 0351 463 32666.
Location: Mommsenstraße in front of the Alte Mensa (or in case of bad weather in the foyer in front of the Service-Center Studium in the Fritz-Foerster-Bau)
"What are you doing for a greener, healthier and more liveable future or what are you going to do?" We give concrete tips on how to save CO2 and money by changing your everyday behavior, e.g. cycling instead of driving, eating more fruit and vegetables instead of meat.
Location: Mommsenstraße in front of the Alte Mensa (or in case of bad weather in the foyer in front of the Service-Center Studium in the Fritz-Foerster-Bau)
Ort: Mommsenstraße vor der Alten Mensa (oder bei schlechtem Wetter im Foyer vor dem Service-Center Studium im Fritz-Foerster-Bau)
The TUD Global Citizenship Certificate (short: GCC) qualifies, empowers and connects students and doctoral candidates with a local-global scientific and civil society community. GCC promotes and recognizes the intercultural, global knowledge, skills and local-global commitment of prospective TUD graduates in the form of a future-relevant certificate.
Sustainability competence plays a central role here, both at the level of knowledge acquisition and practice or commitment. As part of the Sustainability Week, the GCC team from the International Office invites interested students, doctoral candidates and employees to exchange ideas.
We look forward to questions, feedback, ideas for educational and networking formats and participation in the GCC program.
Location: Binder-Wiese
Are you interested in sustainability and would like to promote it at TU Dresden, in your faculty or in your Unit? Then become a sustainability ambassador. We will support you and connect you with other sustainability ambassadors, because together we can advance the topic of sustainability at TU Dresden.
The current sustainability ambassadors meet for lunch and exchange ideas with each other, but also with other interested parties.
Location: Mommsenstraße in front of the Alte Mensa (or FOE/102 in case of bad weather)
The hands-on station is an open workshop format and the mobile version of a plastics recycling workshop. The aim is to get people interested in plastic recycling without a lot of background knowledge and to relate to the environmental problem by doing it themselves. At various stations, participants learn how plastics are recycled and produced and what to look out for. Participants are supervised at each station and introduced to plastics recycling and how to use the machines. The highlight is that everyone can take a recycled product home with them at the end.
Location: Mommsenstraße in front of the Alte Mensa
Gain an insight into the Carlowitz simulation game and make typical economic decisions using the example of the cultivation and use of trees as timber.
Registration: https: //
21.06.2024 (Friday)
Location: Mommsenstraße in front of the Alte Mensa
Cars in Dresden - from parking spaces, 30 km/h, rising car registrations and falling birth rates.
The museum mobile of the Dresden Transport Museum comes to Mommsenstraße and shows exciting perspectives on the topic of traffic in Dresden.
Location: Mommsenstraße in front of the Alte Mensa
Location: Mommsenstraße in front of the old canteen
"What are you doing for a greener, healthier and more liveable future or what are you going to do?" We give concrete tips on how to save CO2 and money by changing your everyday behavior, e.g. cycling instead of driving, more fruit and vegetables instead of meat.
Location: Mommsenstraße in front of the Alte Mensa
The future use and redesign of a section of Mommsenstraße will be discussed on the basis of the design draft by the Institute of Landscape Architecture. The new design is part of the campus design master plan: https: //
At the same time, ideas for future mobility on the campus will be exchanged as part of the Konzert project( One of the focal points is parking space management.
Location: HSZ/301
Every household has different shopping habits, some go shopping daily, others weekly. But how sensible is it to stock up on food? How and, above all, where do you store different foods so that they stay fresh and edible for as long as possible? In what ways can food be preserved? How can I provide for myself if the power goes out for a long time and what does sustainability actually have to do with food security? These and other questions will be answered in the interactive workshop.
Registration is no longer possible.
Location: Mommsenstraße in front of the Alte Mensa
The Green Office invites all committed students to take part in this networking meeting on the topic of sustainability. A small snack and drinks will be provided. Please let us know or bring along any topics you would like to discuss.
Registration: https: //
Location: HSZ meadow
Snippy teenager Juno (Elliot Page) is astonished when she holds a positive pregnancy test in her hand. After all, she only had an ill-considered one-night stand with her best buddy Paulie Bleeker (Michael Cera). Now Juno has to make a decision: What to do with the growing fetus in her belly? The screenplay by Diablo Cody and the film's soundtrack date it firmly to the indie trends of the 2000s, but the story of an unwanted pregnancy and the young woman who has to grow up as a result is consistently topical. The main focus is on Juno's own freedom to decide about her future and the future of the potential baby.
Start: 21:30 (admission from 21:00)

Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Dezernat 9 Alexandra Seifert
01062 Dresden