Research Group Brain Dynamics and Imaging Methods
Group Leader: Michael Marxen, Ph.D.

Our brain is a complex, dynamical system.
The Brain Dynamcis and Imaging Methods Group within the Section of Systems Neuroscience is closely associated with the Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology and the Neuroimaging Center (NIC) at the TU Dresden (TUD). Our research focusses on studying brain functions related to emotions and cognitive control. In particular, we like to understand how the state of the brain changes on the time scale of seconds to minutes, how the underlying brain states differ between tasks and individuals, and how such differences relate to human behaviour. In this context, we are also keen to develop better methods that improve reproducibility of brain imaging measures, especially employing machine learning approaches. We rely primarily on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data for our research goals, but are also open to supplementary methods such as neurofeedback or transcranial stimulation.
Currently, we are involved in two DFG-funded Collaborative Research Centers (CRCs): (SFB 940) on “Volition and Cognitive Control: Mechanisms, Modulators, and Dysfunctions” and (TRR265) on “Losing and Regaining Control over Drug Intake”. These centers together with the (NIC) and the Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH) provide an outstanding scientific infrastructure and ideal environment for the interdisciplinary research of the group.
Please, visit our Research page to find out more details. Useful information for scientists can be found under Resources.