evaluation of the GeschwisterTREFF
Evaluation of the group programme for siblings of children with cancer or disabilities „Now it’s MY turn!“
This study evaluates a manualized group program for siblings of children with life-threatening/life-limiting diseases or disabilities. The program aims to activate resources and to reduce emotional and behavioral problems, using cognitive-behavioral methods and experience-based interventions. In this multi-center study, 13 GeschwisterTREFFs were conducted by 11 study sites in Germany. Prior to and after the intervention 97 siblings aged 7 to 14 years and their parents were examined with standardized questionnaires. At baseline, the siblings of children with diseases or disabilities showed significant more emotional and behavioral problems compared to the respective norm samples. After the intervention, the siblings reported declined problem behavior scores that were mostly in the range of the particular norm values. Furthermore, the children indicated a significant improvement of self-esteem, self-efficacy, school competences and relations to their siblings. However, parents reported more problem behavior and less health-related quality of life of their children at both assessments. The present multi-center study showed the interventions’ feasibility in different settings and confirmed expected improvements of target variables during the intervention period. Randomized-controlled trails are warranted to verify our results.
Cooperation partners:
- Bundesverbands Bunter Kreis e.V.
- Verbund für Geschwister
- Institut für Sozialpädiatrische Forschung Augsburg (ISPA)