Chair of Architectural Delineation
Degree courses with a pronounced visual arts component, such as architecture, media and product design and art education, attempt to train students in the artistic craft in the first semesters and gradually move on to teaching technical knowledge.
In applied delineation, however, it is essential to start with the intention of delineation in order to be able to train aesthetic creativity and a creative understanding of problems. The success of an applied delineation is realized in an open working method that mediates between the delineation intention, subject-related expertise and the principles of graphic design.
For general questions, please contact the secretariat Ms. Noack:
Courses offered in the winter semester 2024/2025
Basic study course
(1st semester, Architecture and Landscape Architecture)
Module A-AD 180 | A-LB 160
Delineation theory: principles versus trial and error
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Niels-Christian Fritsche, Dipl.-Ing. Susanne Vogel,
Dipl. Math./Dipl. Bild. Art. Hanna Griepentrog, Dipl. Bild. Art. Luise Ritter
Start lecture: Tuesday, 15.10.2024, 16:40, Andreas-Schubert-Bau ASB/0120/H
Start seminars: Tuesday, 15.10.2024, 9:20 am / 11:30 am / 1:40 pm
Weekly - BZW, room B 301 (drawing room, 3rd floor)
OPAL course:
Major subject studies (art subjects - catalog A - 5 LP)
Module A-AD 860 | A-LM 271 Selected aspects of delineation
Module A-AD 981 | A-LM 272 Supplementary aspects of delineation
Nude drawing - "The human being as a scale. Figurative drawing"
Dipl. painter/graphic artist Thomas Baumhekel
Start: Friday, 18.10.2024, 2:50-6:10 pm
BZW, Room B 123 (weekly)
OPAL course:
Plastic design / sculpture
Dipl. sculptor/Dipl. designer Ursula Güttsches
Start: Friday, 25.10.2024, 10 am -5 pm, Pillnitz Castle
Regular course dates: Friday, 09:30-14:30
BZW, Room B 110 (weekly)
OPAL course:
"Action! - Moving images in architectural representation"
Dipl.-Ing. Michał Bahnisch and Dipl.-Ing. Philip Modest Schambelan
Start: Friday, 25.10.2024, 1 am-6 pm
BZW, room B 301 (drawing room, 3rd floor)