bachelor thesis
Table of contents
- Summer semester 2024
- Winter semester 2023/24
- Summer semester 2023
- Winter semester 2022/23
- Summer semester 2022
- Winter semester 2021/22
- Summer semester 2021
- Winter semester 2020/21
- Summer semester 2020
- Winter semester 2019/20
- Winter semester 2018/19
- Summer semester 2018
- Winter semester 2017/18
- Summer semester 2017
- Winter semester 2016/17
- Summer semester 2016
- Summer semester 2015
- Winter semester 2014/15
- Summer semester 2014
- Winter semester 2013/14
- Summer semester 2013
Summer semester 2024
Brückner, Cornelia
Biotope network concept Seifhennersdorf
Dankhoff, Marie
Cultural landscape concept Seifhennersdorf
Hellebrand, Michelle
Forest donations as a means of increasing the proportion of forest in urban areas. A feasibility study taking into account the aspect of CO2 compensation
Jacobsen, Noah
Vegan landscapes
Kreutzer, Hanna
Vegan landscapes
Winter semester 2023/24
Sdorra, Magdalena
Biodiversity-promoting PV systems
Wetzel, Annika
Tree species of the future
Wieczorek, Victoria
Tree species of the future
Summer semester 2023
Grunert, Philipp / Menz, Samantha (individual work)
Biotope network concept Liebethaler Grund
Oberländer, Josefine / Rothe, Natalie / Wittmer, Alissa (individual work)
Recreation concept Liebethaler Grund
Cerny, Sarah
Soil protection concept Liebethaler Grund
Köhler, Ann-Elen / Krause, Miriam / Winkler, Jana (individual work)
Climate adaptation concept Liebethaler Grund
Völker, Laura
Cultural landscape concept Liebethaler Grund
Voß, Satu
Watercourse development concept Liebethaler Grund
Gruner, Julian / Maske, Svenja (individual work)
Species and biotope protection concept Südpark
Liebmann, Gunnar
Habitat development concept "Hof im Winkel"
Koch, Christine / Murawa, Jacob (individual work)
Urban forests in Leipzig
Böhle, Rebecca / Weskamp, Maren (individual work)
Toolbox development plan
Hanke, Sina-Zoe / Heisig, Emily / König, Charlotte / Zschieschang, Katharina (individual projects)
Audio walk on climate adaptation in the Nochten boulder park
Bley, Henriette
Outdoor pool of the future Weißig
Winter semester 2022/23
Fritzsche, Christina
Animal Aided Design
Gieritz, Lisa-Marie
New urban forests: Trend or exception?
Herschmann, Tina
Nochten boulder park
LaSommersemesterner, Jennifer
New urban forests: Trend or exception?
Summer semester 2022
Belke, Jessica
Biotope network concept Seifhennersdorf
Dittrich, Alma
Farm gardens today
Flohr, Richard
Climate adaptation concept Dresden-Prohlis
Franke, Ole
Farmers' gardens today - cultural landscape study in the Central Saxony region
Heinlein, Katharina
The green toad in the Dresden Elbe valley - habitat analysis and development concept for the protection of an endangered species
Huneck, Mathilda
Farm gardens today - habitat for wild bees
Kraetzschmer, Levke
Climate adaptation concept Dresden-Prohlis - Prohlis climate walk
Kunz, Romina
Street tree concept for Dresden-Pieschen
Minner, Gina-Marie
Climate adaptation concept Seifhennersdorf
Muser, Jonathan
Climate adaptation concept for Dresden-Prohlis
Ritter, Elisa
Farm gardens today with regard to the changes caused by climate change and the effects on butterflies
Schneider, Alina
Cultural landscape development concept Seifhennersdorf
Seidel, Chiara
Landscape architecture in the city of the future - smart cities
Seidel, Sally
Open space and sport: A concept for physical exercise in Dresden-Prohlis
Silbermann, Lucie
Cultural landscape development concept for Seifhennersdorf
Father, Elin
Recreation concept Seifhennersdorf
Wendler, Marie
Climate adaptation concept Dresden-Prohlis
Winter semester 2021/22
Hamann, Anne Axinia
Gravel gardens in Saxony?
Kabitzsch, Ann-Sophie
Amphibian extinction in Saxony
Kolpe, Georg
Orchard concept for the town of Weißenberg and its villages
Kidney, Emilia
Meuschaer Höhe landscape development concept
Reisch, Johannes
The Elbe in Saxony as a habitat for fish
Schalm, Johanna
Pollarded willows and compensation schemes
Summer semester 2021
Werner, Patricia
Bird Lover
Winter semester 2020/21
Funk, Maximilian
Entwurfskonzept für das Gebiet des ehemaligen Zeithainer Lustlagers (Draft concept for the area of the former Zeithainer Lustlager)
Keidel, Friederike
Entwicklungskonzept für Zielarten im Felshabitat Striegis (Development concept for target species in the rock habitat Striegis)
Kropfgans, Natalie
Dorfentwicklungskonzept Dögnitz (Drafting a Regional Development Strategy at the Example of Dögnitz)
Schuch-Baensch, Katharina
Der Wanderfalke im Landkreis Mittelsachsen (The peregrine falcon in the district of Mittelsachsen)
Zein, Caroline
Wiesenbrüterkonzept im mittlerenächsischen Osterzgebirge (Concept for Meadow Breeders in the eastern Ore Mountains (Erzgebirge) of Middle Saxony)
Summer semester 2020
Brown, Marie
Anmila Aided Design: Measures for butterflies in settlement areas
Rathmann, Talea
Development concept for the ridges of the Erzgebirge in the district of Mittelsachen
Wollner, Nadine
Recreation concept for Hohenstein Castle
Winter semester 2019/20
Götz, Johanna
Legendary Meissen (Mythical Meissen)
Hildebrand, Cindy
Kraniche in Deutschland - Unterschiede und Entwicklungspotentiale am Beispiel der Dübener Heide (Germanies Cranes - Differences and potentials for a development in the "Dübener Heide")
Jacobs, Manuela
Der neue Annenfriedhof - Bedeutung, Nutzung und Perspektiven im Grünsytem von Dresden-Löbtau (The New Annen Cemetery - Relevance, Use and Prospects in the green infrastructure of Dresden-Löbtau)
Kovacheva, Adriana Adrianova
Legendary Meissen (Mythical Meissen)
Lott, Sophie Luise
Hüteschafkonzeption im oberen Müglitztal (Shepherding conception for the upper Mueglitz valley)
Risse, Jacqueline
Landschaftliche Bildung in Meißen (Landscape Education for the rural district of Meissen)
Rothenberger, Jule
Artenschwund im Landkreis Mittelsachsen - ein Entwicklungskonzept für feuchte Offenlandbiotope (The decline of species in the administrative district of Mid Saxony - a development concept for moist and wet )
Seitz, Annika
Artenschwund im Landkreis Mittelsachsen - ein Entwicklungskonzept für Stillgewässer und deren begleitende Ufervegetation (The decline of species in the administrative district of Mid Saxony - a development concept for lakes and enclosed vegetation)
Sickel, Julia
Artenschwund im Landkreis Mittelsachsen - ein Entwicklungskonzept für Magerwiesen und Heiden (The decline of species in the administrative district of Central Saxony - a development concept for poor grassland)
Winter semester 2018/19
Dick, Dominique
Resilience of landscapes
Heinen, Isabelle
Moors in Central Saxony
Summer semester 2018
Duschik, Reni
Comparison of urban models of intervention regulation based on case studies
Hertel, Maximilian
Suburban cultural landscapes and their specific characteristics
Homann, Lara Sophie
Comparison of urban models of intervention regulation based on Münster and Leipzig
Laube, Ragna Gesine
Paddocks in Dresden
Loewe, Judith
Suburban cultural landscapes and their specific characteristics
Taiber, Benedikt
River development concept Östliche Ritzschke
Zirnstein, Laura
Wild pastures
Winter semester 2017/18
Church, Hannah
Urban forest. A cross-city comparison
Thank you, Tabea
Bird-friendly campus
Langer, Julia
The beaver in Saxony: conflicts, opportunities, solutions
Lübke, Elsa
The otter in Saxony
Steinig, Moritz
Multifunctionality and renewable energies
Summer semester 2017
Buschhaus, Maren
Hedge management Sayda
Knobloch, Verena
The return of the lynx to Saxon Switzerland
Kopsch, Victoria
The water meadow - a culturally and historically valuable form of land use in the Spreewald biosphere reserve
Kratzenstein, Sarah
Canitz woodland development concept
Lasch, Theresa
The return of the lynx
Liening, Alexandra
Renaturation of agriculturally used raised bog areas in Lower Saxony
Nestler, Cynthia
Landscape development concept Mothäuser Heide
Springmann, Deborah
The return of the lynx
Tautenhahn, Claudia
Horses and grassland
Winter semester 2016/17
Burger, Judith
Climate adaptation concept for the town of Oederan
Lüttke, Lara
Climate adaptation concept for the town of Oederan
Summer semester 2016
Kornhaas, Pascal
Pigs in landscape planning
Lorenz, Isabel
The wolf returns
Maibuhr, Sara
The wildcats are back
Müller, Marie
Nourishing landscape: Partheland
Stolle, Philipa
Impact regulation in application: the Leipzig model
Zapf, Verena
GESAGT, GETAN - interactive experience of legends in Central Saxony
Zürn, Amrei
Forest pictures
Zörner, Vivienne
Energy landscape Oederan
Summer semester 2015
Heinke, Lisa
Historical development of orchard meadows
Meier, Mary
Cache the landscape
Müller, Agnes
Biotope network concept in the Parthenaue Foundation
Schmidt, Ulrike
Orchard concept for the Rochlitz region
Zipperlen, Maren
Climate adaptation concept for the municipality of Kriebstein
Winter semester 2014/15
Arlet, Sandra
Climate adaptation concept Müglitztal
Summer semester 2014
Buddemeier, Jonas/Herrmann, Philipp
Species and biotope protection concept with a focus on Taucha
Gruner, Katrin
Biotope network concept for the pond landscape near Kamenz
Schiertz, Anna-Maria
Woodland development concept Parthelande
Winter semester 2013/14
Hilber, Andrea
Recreation concept Müglitztal
Summer semester 2013
Garack, Stefan
Müglitz watercourse development concept
Gebhardt, Bastian
Urban forest Leipzig - Plagwitz railroad station
Krsanowski, Claudia
Recreation concept Müglitztal
Langer, Marco
Climate adaptation concept Dohna-Müglitztal
Lösch, Sandra
Brownfield concept Dohna
Sachs, Anna
Biotope network concept Dohna-Müglitztal
Steinert, Marie
Climate adaptation concept Dohna-Müglitztal
Weise, Franziska
Climate adaptation concept Dohna-Müglitztal