Previous Master's theses
Table of contents
- Summer semester 2024
- winter semester 2023/24
- Summer semester 2023
- winter semester 2022/23
- Summer semester 2022
- winter semester 2021/22
- Summer semester 2021
- winter semester 2020/21
- Summer semester 2020
- winter semester 2019/20
- winter semester 2018/19
- Summer semester 2018
- WS 2017/18
- SS 2017
- WS 2016/17
- SS 2016
- WS 2015/16
- WS 2014/15
- WS 2013/14
Summer semester 2024
Behrends, Silvina (REN)
Climate adaptation concepts - a nationwide study
Belke, Jessica
Strehlen green space plan
Kropfgans, Natalie
Strehlen green space plan
Müller, Marius Lukas
Green concept Leipziger Vorstadt / Hellerberge
Mundt, Tabea (REN)
Climate adaptation concept Dobbertin
winter semester 2023/24
Fischer, Nicole
Climate adaptation concept Naunhof - focus on water
Heuchel, Anna
Paludicultures: Opportunities and limits for sustainable landscape development in peatlands
Lott, Luise
The phenomenon of ecovillages and their potential for landscape planning
Riedel, Marlene
Solidarity agriculture: Accessory or solution?
Snow, Stefanie
Spaces for experiencing nature in Dresden
Schuch-Baensch, Katharina
Climate-neutral municipality? The example of Lommatzsch.
Zein, Caroline
The hamster's new fields - reintroduction concept for field hamsters (Cricetus cricetus) in northern Saxony with communication approaches for Leipzig Zoo
Summer semester 2023
Langosch, Constanze
Green concept Strehlen
Rothenberger, Jule
Agroforestry systems between theory and practice
Seitz, Annika
Species and biotope protection concept Annenfriedhof
Werner, Patricia
Climate adaptation concept for Nochten boulder park
Will, Marit
Landscape development concept Berzdorfer See
winter semester 2022/23
Baldauf, Lars
Planted floating islands on urban waters
Boeser, Saskia
Urban climate adaptation in a limited space: a country comparison
Günther, Franziska
Blue-green Pieschen - a green system adapted to climate change
Kovacheva, Adriana
Green corridor Göhren
Kretzschmar, Johanna
Local development concept Graupa
Oesen, Marlene
Animal-aided design: solutions for bats on buildings
Ophardt, Nora
Green corridor Göhren
Risse, Jacqueline
Toolbox green space plan 2.0
Sickel, Julia
Animal-Aided Design - Making buildings attractive for birds
Tank, Lilly
Participatory design of a nature experience space in Chemnitz
Tschacher, Marie
Green concept Dresden-Pieschen
Summer semester 2022
Brown, Marie
Climate-neutral municipality? The example of Oederan
Neumann, Alexander (extension from WS 2021/22)
Silver Road in the district of Meißen
Wollner, Nadine
Geberbach green corridor
winter semester 2021/22
Heinen, Isabelle
Environmental report on the development plan "City center - Areal Sächsischer Wolf" of the city of Freital
Lesche, Almuth
Garden ring Görlitz
Summer semester 2021
Amelung, Ulrike
Future scenarios between city and countryside. The example of the spatial gradient between Leipzig and Wurzen.future scenarios between city and countryside. The example of the spatial gradient between Leipzig and Wurzen.
Guth, Tommy
Gravel gardens - gardens of horror?
Laube, Ragna-Gesine
Chemnitz blossoms. A biotope network concept for wild bees and butterflies.Chemnitz blossoms up. A biotope network concept for wild bees and butterflies.
Leukefeld, Tom
Corona & landscape: Spatial development scenarios for post Corona times using the example of DresdenCorona & landscape: Spatial development scenarios for post Corona times using the example of Dresden
Lübke, Elsa
Botanical Garden ChemnitzChemnitz Botanical Garden as a place of learning
winter semester 2020/21
Brother, Samuel
Permaculture: Chances and Limits for Resilient Agricultural Landscapes (Permaculture: Chances and Limits for Resilient Agricultural Landscapes)
Duschik, Reni
Mastenartige Eingriffe ins Landschaftsbild am Beispiel von Funkmasten (Mast-like interventions into the landscape by the example of radio masts)
Hertel, Maximilian
Bau- und Grünibel nordsächsischer Dörfer (Building and Green Handbook for North Saxon villages)
Homann, Lara Sophie
Habitathopping: From the Zschopau to the Bobritzsch. (Habitathopping: From the Zschopau to the Bobritzsch)
Liening, Alexandra
Experiencing the Dresdner Heller. An educational concept. (Heller Walk. Another experience of the Dresdner Heller)
Lorenz, Constanze
Migration und Stadtgrün: Grünflächen integrativ denken (Migration and urban green: Thinking urban green spaces integratively)
Taiber, Benedikt
Gewässerrandstreifenprogramm Landkreis Meißen (Riparian strips concept for the district of Meissen)
Wendler, Ruth
Green fingers Weinböhla (Green fingers Weinböhla)
Wieder, Verena
On old paths: Hiking in the Tuscany region of Saxony (Hiking Trail Concept)
Summer semester 2020
Renner, Franziska
Toutes les directions: Ein Alleekonzept für den Landkreis Meißen (An avenue concept for the district of Meissen)
Wiehl, Alexander
After the flood is before the flood: Flood prevention concept Ketzerbach (Flood prevention concept Ketzerbach)
winter semester 2019/20
Blume, Daniel
Prima Klima: Resilient urban green infrastructure (Climate-responsive urban green infrastructure)
Fathi, Ariane
Partizipation von Kindern: die Dübener Heide im Schulhof (Participation of children: the Dübener Heide in the schoolyard)
Pollack, Nadine
Grünkonzept Altstadt (A urban green concept for Dresden Altstadt)
Speit, Sabrina
Landschaftsprägende Gehöfte: ein Konzept (Characterizing farmsteads in the landscape: a concept)
Springmann, Deborah
Manche mögen's heiß: Klimasensitive Arten im Landkreis Mittelsachsen (Climate-sensitive species in the district of Central Saxony)
Tautenhahn, Claudia
Das Phänomen der Masse: Landschaftliche Wirkungen sozialer Medien (The phenomenon of the crowd: The effects of social media on landscapes)
Vossen, Laura
Gewässer zwischen Trockenheit und Hochwasser: ein Konzept in Lößnig-Dölitz (Waters between droughts and floods: an approach in Lößnig-Dölitz)
Wilhelm, Linda
Wild bees in the city - eine Toolbox (Wild bees in the city - a toolbox)
winter semester 2018/19
Glose, Talika
Green concept Suburbia Leipzig: The rediscovery of the west of Leipzig: Green perspectives for Suburbia
Hesse, Carolin
I like smelling you so much! Landscape scents and planning
Kornhaas, Pascal (REN)
Compensation potentials for the large-scale solar thermal plant at Dresdner Heller
Krämer, Johanna
Green concept Suburbia Leipzig: From Lake Kulkwitz to Lake Cospuden
Ottersbach, Ina
Butterfly seeks campus: Concept for an insect-friendly campus.
Schaarschmidt, Anne (REN)
GIS-supported determination of potential habitat areas for biotope network planning using the example of a population of the bright meadow button blue (Phengaris teleius) near Langenau (district of Central Saxony)
Zapf, Verena
There are many kinds of noise, but only one silence: "Quiet areas in the city of Dresden"
Zürn, Amrei
Sheep under power? A biotope network concept in the Chemnitz area.
Summer semester 2018
Goetzke, Julia
Orchard meadow concept Dresden
Müller, Agnes
Diversity Elbland - a landscape development concept for the district of Meißen
Thoma, Clara
Agroforestry systems: Future or memory?
Zipperlen, Maren
Grassland conservation and development in urban-rural areas
Zschorn, Maria
Light and light pollution in landscape planning
WS 2017/18
Gruner, Katrin
City, country, the end?! Cultural landscape suburbia? A cultural landscape concept for the suburban area of Leipzig
Schmidt, Ulrike
Environmental impact of large-scale solar thermal plants using the example of the Dresden Heller
SS 2017
Bauer, Janine
Habitat modeling using the example of the lynx
Burkhardt, Clara
Grassland concept biosphere reserve "Thuringian Forest"
Mann, Luisa
Green infrastructure?! Green concept for Leipzig-Connewitz
Meier, Mary
Cultural landscape concept Wilde Weißeritz (Klingenberg)
Seifert, Thea
Bee seeks landscape: Landscape development concept for a continuous honey bee range in the Naundorf area
WS 2016/17
Herrmann, Philipp
The new protected goods in environmental assessment. An experiment using the example of the West Saxony region.
Jünger, Annkatrin (REN)
An investigation of stakeholder networks in grassland management in the Partheland. A contribution to cultural landscape management in urban-rural regions.
Hilber, Andrea
Central photovoltaic systems in the environmental assessment
SS 2016
Haack, Julia
Toolbox urban forest
Hirscher, Martin
Recreation in the forest
Müller, Charlotte
Green links in land use plans
Stief, Amadea/Pötschke, Bianca
Creative compensation: Climate adaptation measures
Vogel, Anja
Green concept Cotta
WS 2015/16
Garack, Stephan
Application of the jet effect concept to small watercourses using the example of Mittweida
Herrmann, Theresa
Climate adaptation concept Pirna
White, Mariella
Blue ribbon Geberbach - Development concept for the lower section of the Geberbach in Dresden-Reick
Krsanowski, Claudia
Ecosystem services - opportunities and limitations for landscape planning
Langer, Marco
Connecting habitats. A biotope network concept for the municipalities of Bannewitz, Kreischa, Dohna and Müglitztal
Lehmann, Heike
Dike relocation, polder or flood basin? Comparison of alternative flood prevention measures using the example of the Freiberg Mulde and Zschopau rivers
Lösch, Sandra
The environmental assessment at the level of development planning in Saxony
Lötzsch, Johanna
Dresden allotment gardens: rethought. New possibilities for gardening and self-sufficiency in the city of Dresden
Voigt, Boudine
Floodplain development concept for the Zwickauer Mulde near Rochlitz
WS 2014/15
Richter, Benjamin (REN)
The strategic model of the landscape plan "Dresden - the compact city in the ecological network"
WS 2013/14
Lünich, Kathleen (REN)
Interactions between land use changes and water balance under consideration of climate change
Richter, Josephine (REN)
Climate adaptation Oderland
Pasbrig, Veit (REN)
Impact regulation of wind energy use
Welzel, Martin (REN)
Managing the energy transition in state development plans