Jan 29, 2025
"St. Petersburg Oasis" I From transport to living space

Strategic Plan of P. Nitsche und F. Tetzner
At the focus of the design is St. Petersburger Strasse, a central mobility axis through Dresden's city centre that is currently characterised by traffic. Various urban development scenarios are to be developed and visualised for the transformation of this space.

Collage by P. L. Müller and J. L. Stübinger
The car-friendly city of the 1960s and 1970s has left a formative spatial legacy in almost all German cities: multi-lane carriageways, tunnels and overpasses, car park deserts.

Strategic Plan by j. Enke and P- Schönherr
The desire to redefine these transport spaces is not new, but the climate crisis and the associated socio-ecological changes such as the mobility transition or the 15-minute city have driven the reorganisation of roads and transport infrastructures in recent years. There are already concepts for repurposing multi-storey car parks for communal living, roads are being dismantled in favour of habitats and ecosystems and new building typologies are being created on the reclaimed land.

Workshop in the Dresden Townhall
The kick-off event for students from all three participating universities (HS Anhalt Dessau, TH Nürnberg and TU Dresden) took place in Dresden on 10 and 11 October. Initial ideas were discussed with representatives of the City of Dresden in the town hall. These were then developed further in Dessau, Nuremberg and Dresden. The resulting 25 projects show a wide range of different concepts. They range from new park landscapes and urban spaces in the context of redensification to social and leisure facilities.

Masterpan by A. K. Marbach, M. Menzel und L. T. Shepherd-Mäder
A jury consisting of representatives of the City of Dresden, independent experts and lecturers from the participating universities will judge the best works in the atrium of the Verkehrsmuseum on 6 February. All designs will be exhibited and publicly discussed at the Zentrum für Baukultur (Kulturpalast) from 5 May 2025.
Exhibition in ZfBK