Oct 01, 2019
NUMIC – Neues urbanes Mobilitätsbewusstsein in Chemnitz
In September the new collaboration project „NUMIC – Neues urbanes Mobilitätsbewusstsein in Chemnitz“ started. It is a transdisciplinary project aiming for a new understanding and higher awareness of mobility in urban areas through a co-creative developed, executed and evaluated pedestrian and bicycle route in the city of Chemnitz. By evaluating this new integrated route, the project tends to generate a data-driven and participative approach for urban mobility solutions thereby shaping a sustainable urban development.
The WISSENSARCHITEKTUR - Laboratory of Knowledge Architecture will provide an urban development analysis of the city of Chemnitz including drivers like density, distances, building fragmentation, linkages of traffic routes, infrastructure, goods flows and reachability. From this analysis we derive together with our partners the model route which will be the core research object of a longer field study in the mid-term of the project. Later, we will try to generalize the approach to be applicable for a broader range of cities and regions.
Please find more and detailed information about the project under the following link: