The Department of Landscape Engineering
Landscaping is concerned with the technical implementation of a classic, object-oriented planning of open spaces. In addition to design and technical work, students are taught construction management and made familiar with the changing field of computer applications. The course content familiarizes students with proper planning, and empowers them to correctly implement open space planning, as well as follow its development.
One focus in teaching and research is the consideration of bioengineering as a link between engineering and biology. In this view, it is closely linked to the concept of sustainability. In bioengineering, plans to achieve technical goals are set. These plans form the bases of several procedures, among these are: dismantling and restoration procedures, which have the goal of preserving and restoring natural processes; procedures of habitat development for animals and plants; the development of recreational use; and procedures which facilitate the interaction of individuals with nature.
Another focus of landscaping is natural storm water management. Once again, the term sustainability comes into play. Instead of simply removing rain water through traditional sewerage networks, new ways to seep and evaporate water are considered. Within these considerations lies a variety of ecological and creative potential for reforming the living environment of man.