Funding programs and job offers
Table of contents
Working student:inside offers
Intern/Working student (m/f/d) Landscape architecture & open space planning Landscape architecture & open space planning in Chemnitz, Gera, Hof, Plauen
Internship advertisement
Intern or working student in environmental and landscape planning at the Dresden location at TGP-LA in Dresden
Job advertisement
Job portal job ticket of the TU Dresden
Offers from companies, authorities, associations as well as offers from universities and research institutions.
Job portal job ticket of the TU Dresden
Current vacancies at the State Office for Environment and Geology
Hessian State Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology
Further vacancies
Environmental Office of the State Capital Wiesbaden is looking for a
Clerk (f/m/d) in the field of landscape conservation and development
Job advertisement
Application deadline: April 13, 2025
The LVG Heidelberg is looking to fill the position
of an employee with a university education (f/m/d) to assist with the organization and design of the dual study program Business Administration - Trade Management in Horticulture and Landscaping in cooperation with the DHBW Mosbach as soon as possible.
Job advertisement
Application deadline: May 4, 2025
The State Directorate of Saxony (LDS) has a vacancy for an Advisor (m/f/d) in Unit 45 - Nature Conservation, Landscape Management -, Leipzig office, alternatively Chemnitz or Dresden, to be filled on a permanent basis as soon as possible.
Job advertisement
Application deadline: April 6, 2025
The Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing is looking for a research assistant (m/f/d) in Unit II W - Housing Projects for the Outer City of Leipzig to start immediately and on a permanent basis.
Job advertisement
Application deadline: April 6, 2025
Büro für Städtebau GmbH Chemnitz is looking for Landscape Architect and Open Space Planner (m/f/d)
Job advertisement
For the office of the Berliner Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Naturschutz e. V. (BLN) in Berlin-Tiergarten we are looking for a managing director, probably as of 01.05.2025.
Job advertisement
Application deadline: 31.03.2025
The Head Office of the Federal Agency for Real Estate (BImA) is looking for an Employee for Remote Sensing & Biotope Mapping (f/m/d) for the Federal Forestry Division at the Amberg workplace.
Job advertisement
Application deadline: March 30, 2025
The German Association for Landscape Conservation (DVL) e.V. is looking for an employee (m/f/d) for the organization of the "Nature Conservation" department with a focus on species and biotope protection in Kiel
Job advertisement
Application deadline: April 7, 2025
TGP Landschaftsarchitekten is looking for reinforcement in the landscape planning team
in Lübeck!
Job advertisement
Advisor Landesgartenschauen (m/f/d) wanted for the project company Landesgartenschau Rheinland-Pfalz
Job advertisement
Landscape planner in the landscape planning department (m/f/d) full-time or part-time
Freelancers in the field of floristic surveys (m/f/d)
Freelancers in the field of faunistic surveys (m/f/d)
Job advertisements
Lower Saxony Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection: two positions as wiss. MA (E13 TV-L) to be filled in the research department
Job advertisements
Balzer Garten- und Landschaftsbau in Dautphetal-Buchenau is looking for Planner Landscape Architecture (M/F/D)
Job advertisement
Planungsbüro Hufmann is looking for a landscape planner for an interdisciplinary urban and landscape planning office at an attractive office location in the port of Wismar with immediate effect.
Job advertisement
Grünplan Freiraum- und Landschaftsplanung in Leipzig is looking for an intern, working student or landscape architect.
Job advertisement
fagus - FachGesellschaft für Umweltplanung und Stadtentwicklung mbH is looking for a landscape architect for project management in Leipzig
Job advertisement
Ingenieurbüro Fuchs is looking for a committed, reliable colleague to join the teams in Dresden and Chemnitz with immediate effect as a planner for nature and environmental protection measures as part of the construction of transportation facilities, primarily in the railroad sector.
Job advertisement
NABU is looking for a Forest Nature Conservation Advisor in Berlin
Job advertisement
hannes hamann landschaftsarchitekten is looking for a project manager or project manager for landscape architecture and landscape architects in Berlin
Job advertisements
HKR Landschaftsarchitekten im Bergischen Land is looking for Landscape Planner / Landscape Ecologist (m/f/d)
Job advertisement
Hufmann planning office - urban planning for the north
further information
Ulrich Krüger LA is looking for a landscape architect in Magdeburg and Dresden
job advertisement
further job portals
New Monday - the job matching platform for architects, civil engineers and open space planners from Callwey Verlag (Federal Association of Garden, Landscape and Sports Field Construction)
www.comp (Association of German Landscape Architects)