Scientific Program of OR2019
The scientific program of OR2019 compiles from your submissions. Carefully selected keynotes from recognized speakers as well as impulses from semi-plenary presentations complete the state-of-the-art program.

Your Contribution to OR2019
Several opportunities to the scientific program of OR2019
The scientific program of OR2019 is founded by the streams that structure the content of OR2019. There are different ways for You to contribute to the scientific program of OR2019. Please find some information if you want to ...
... organize a session
If you want to present your of work together with your colleagues who work on similar or even the same topic then you should organize a session. Please contact the coordinator of the stream of your choice. You will receive a code that allows you to organize a session and to invite your colleagues.
... submit an abstract
You have made new results in your research? Please submit an abstract via our online-submission system (to be opened on December, 1st). It is possible to contribute to a session you are invited by a colleague or to a stream. You can also let your abstract for the open program (your abstract is assigned to a session by a conference stream organizer).
... contribute a full paper to the conference proceedings published by Springer in the well-known and highly-recognized "Operations Research Proceddings" Series
You are entitled to submit a full paper to the review processes for the conference proceedings that will be published by Springer if your abstract has been accepted for presentation during OR2019. We well sent out your paper to the review process if at least one of the indicated authors have been presented the corresponding work during OR2019.
... just listen to latest developments in Operations Research and to meet your colleagues as well as old and new frieds.
Appox. 350-400 talks will be presented during OR2019. If you think that this is enough but if you are interested in the scientific progress in operations research then you are very welcomed just to listen to latest developments in Operations Research and to meet your colleagues as well as old and new friends.
... to become a sponsor of OR2019.
We have some very interested opportunities to distribute your product information in the operations research society and amoung the expected 600 participants on scene of OR2019. Please contact us.