Research focus
At the chair of environmental development and risk management the focus is on the following research areas: (i) conceptualisation and modeling of human-environment interrelations, (ii) foresight and impact assessment as well as (iii) management and governance of human-environment interrelations.
Research topics
"Platform for climate-conform action at municipal and district level in low mountain regions (KlimaKonform)"; Team: Schanze, Maleska
"Drought and Heat Risk Assessment Framework for Urban Green Infrastructure"; Team: Shehayeb
„Competence Center for Scalable Data Services and Solutions (ScaDS Dresden/Leipzig) (BMBF); Team: Schanze, Maleska
"Historical Grounding of Migration Decisions of the People at Environmental Risks (HoMe)"; Team: Mallick, Schanze
Excellence Initiative TU Dresden "NON-MIGRABILITY - Non-Migration of People at Risks in the Context of Social and Economic Vulnerability"; Team: Mallick
EU COST Action "Natural Flood Retention on Private Land (LAND4FLOOD)"; Team: Schanze
Decision support framework for water (re)use in water-scarce regions involving sustainability and risk assessment; Team: Müller
"Räumliche und zeitliche Dynamik der Hochwasserrisiken von Siedlungen und Regionen" (Stiftung Umwelt und Schadensvorsorge); Team: Maleska
"Benefit-Cost Analysis for Local Climate Change Adaptation - A Conceptual and Methodological Framework" (Chinese State Scholarship Fund); Team: Ren
„Internationale Wasserforschungsallianz Sachsen (IWAS)", Modul 7 "Regionale Szenarios des gesellschaftlichen Wandels" (BMBF); Team: Schanze, Burmeister, Trümper
"Water yield response to changes in land-use and climate in the Jinghe basin, Northwest China" (DFG); Team: Schanze, Burmeister, Blanco-Vogt
„Wissenschaftliche Vorbereitung eines Wasserhaushaltsatlas der Westlichen Ukraine“ (WTZ, BMBF); Team: Schanze, Burmeister
„Retrospektive Analyse und szenariobasierte Projektionen des gesamträumlichen Landbedeckungswandels am Beispiel des Einzugsgebietes Westlicher Bug“; Team: Burmeister
„Methodology for high resolution spatial analysis of the physical flood vulnerability of buildings in large river floodplains” (IPSWaT, BMBF); Team: Blanco-Vogt
„Methodik zur flächendifferenzierten Analyse und Bewertung von stofflichen Hochwasserrisiken“ (BMBF); Team: Sauer
„Flood risk management and resilience: understanding the performance of key stakeholders in Accra, Ghana to manage the expected and the unexpected” (DLGS); Team: Atanga
"Urban form trajectories and their impacts on ecosystem services - the case of selected Ghanaian cities "; Team: Asabere
Further research activities of the working group of Prof. Schanze are available under