Mar 21, 2023
Neue Veröffentlichung zu Engpassmanagement im Übertragungsnetz mit dem Titel „Decarbonizing the industry sector and its effect on electricity transmission grid operation—Implications from a model based analysis for Germany”
We are happy to announce that our colleagues Martin Lieberwirth and Hannes Hobbie published an article in the prestigious Journal of Cleaner Production (impact factor: 11.072). The research was conducted in the scope of the MODEZEEN project. More specifically, the authors investigate the impact of large hydrogen electrolyzer capacities on congestion management at the German transmission grid level. Martin and Hannes designed a scenario framework, which considers different decarbonizing strategies for industry sectors, operation mode of electrolyzers, and penetration levels of electrolyzer installations embedded into a market projection of the future European electricity system. Results of a model-based investigation highlight the importance of integrating electrolyzer capacities into congestion management practices, primarily if corresponding decarbonized industries feature a more distributed allocation throughout Germany, such as the chemical, paper and printing industries. Hopefully, the findings of this work will provide policymakers, system operators, and regulators with meaningful insights for designing future congestion management frameworks.
The paper is now available at the Journal of Cleaner Production's webpage for 50 days and you can find it under the following DOI:
Enjoy the read!