REFLEX project meeting in Brussels

REFLEX project consortium in Brussels
The Reflex consortium met for a last project meeting in the European Office of Saxony’s Municipalities (Rue Guimard 7) in Brussels on 04th April 2019. During the one-day-meeting the consortium had a busy agenda. Among other agenda points, the Reflex colleagues discussed in different working sessions several issues regarding the Reflex book publication, which will be published by Springer end of the year. Furthermore, the Reflex partners had roundtable discussions to reflect critically the whole Reflex project duration and the Stakeholder Workshop, which was hold the day before (http://reflex-project.eu/public/). The researchers and industry partners agreed that after almost three years of project duration the outcome is very valuable. The team of energy experts from six European countries developed a comprehensive Energy Model System (EMS) by coupling ten different models to analyse different pathways for the European energy system under consideration of flexibility and technological progress. Additionally, a complete new Data Warehouse was set up to facilitate the data exchange between the soft-linked models. The Reflex consortium look forward to work together beyond the official project end (Apr. 2019) for the planned book publication.