Aug 31, 2023
The Faculty of Business and Economics at the Academy of Management
The annual conference of the Academy of Management (AoM) took place in Boston from August 4 to 8. With more than 12,000 participants, the AoM is the largest management conference worldwide. The Faculty of Business and Economics of the TU Dresden was also represented this year.
Sarah Müller-Sägebrecht from the Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovation presented the paper "Barriers of the Business Model Innovation Process of Incumbents", in which she and her co-authors analyzed how, when and at which point the business model innovation process of existing companies is hindered. The top experts in business model research Nicolai Foss and Kristian Sund were able to provide very valuable feedback, which can now be integrated in the following publication process.
Prof. Martin Wiener presented, together with co-authors from TU Darmstadt ( a paper entitled "Algorithmic Control Configurations in Food Delivery Platforms: A Cross-National Comparative Study". The study investigates national differences in configurations of algorithmic control systems and is part of the DFG project AlgoWork ( in which the Chair of Business Engineering and its partners have been investigating the conceptual meaning of algorithmic control and its implications for workforces.
Lena Rieck and Prof. Blagoev from the Chair of Organization presented a paper on power dynamics in videoconferences at a symposium on team dynamics.
In addition, Prof. Blagoev presented the paper "The making of temporal resilience: crossing turning points in nature's changing time" (co-authored with Tor Hernes, Maiken Schultz and Sven Kunisch), which theorizes how organizations can develop temporal resilience through different temporal practices that manage to create different connections to their own past and future.
Prof. Blagoev also presented another paper on temporal control (co-authored with Dan Kärreman and Jana Costas) and discussed current issues in temporality research in a symposium on "Temporality and Technology: Temporal Dynamics of Technology Emergence and Development."