Jan 23, 2023
Free spots for a course in SoSe 23 with financed trip to Albania
In Summer Term 23, the Chair of Information Management offers a course (Master and Diploma) on designing case studies for Collaborative International Online Courses. This will be conducted together with the Albanian EPOKA University in Tirana and consists of two one-week face-to-face workshops and a couple of compact asynchronous online activities. The face-to-face workshops will take place once in Germany and once in Albania and will be financed by a DAAD funded Erasmus+ worldwide project. The week in Albania is funded accordingly for participating students.
Block seminar I:
03.04. - 06.04.
- Albanian students are guests at TU Dresden
- Kick-off, lectures and workshops on Virtual Collaborative Learning/ Collaborative International Online Learning and on designing case studies
- Exchange with the Albanian students as well as activities in the Dresden area
Block seminar II:
- 05.06. - 10.06.
- German students are guests at the EPOKA University in Tirana
- final content workshops and completion of the project work
- activities in Albania with the Albanian students
Enrollment is possible until 28.02.2023. As the places are limited, please send an email with your current grades to samuel.reeb@tu-dresden.de as soon as possible. For more information, see the following poster.