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During the exchange semester all students have to be enrolled at their home institution as well as the partner university. Students participating in the programme have to pay the fees according to the partner universities’ regulations.

Tuition fee at UEW:

  • for example EU citizens:

Enrollment fee: PLN 85 PLN or EUR 19 (due upon registration)

Tuition fee: PLN 1.000 / semester (due before start of semester at UEW)

  • for Non-EU citizens:

Enrolment fee: PLN 85 PLN or EUR 19 (due upon registration)

Tuition fee: EUR 1.250 / semester (due before start of semester at UEW)

Payment details:


Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu

ul. Komandorska 118/120

53-345 Wrocław


Santander Bank Polska S.A.

Oddział we Wrocławiu

Plac Powstańców Śląskich 17/115

53-314 Wrocław


For payment in PLN: 07 1090 2529 0000 0006 3400 0503 (IBAN: PL07109025290000000634000503)

For payment in EUR: 30 1090 2529 0000 0001 2284 9471 (IBAN: PL30109025290000000122849471)

Tuition Fee at TU Dresden / IHI Zittau

88,80 EUR  (status quo study year 2019/20; breakdown: 81,20 EUR Student Union fee + 7,60 EUR for student council/student representation)

  • When paying for the semester ticket  (189,00 EUR; valid through the exchange semester in all local trains in Saxony and for local transport in Dresden), the total amount is 277,80 EUR
  • Recipient:                 TU Dresden
  • Credit institute:         Commerzbank Dresden
  • IBAN:                          DE25 8504 0000 0800 4004 01
  • BIC:                             COBADEFF850
  • Reference:                (matriculation number), Name of student
  • please specify the following number in the Verwendungszweck (reference field) field on the Überweisungsbeleg (transfer voucher):   7097.0211.5150 plus the matriculation number!