
GPZ cytogenetics
Thursday 26.09.2019:
11:00 Registration opens
13:00 – 13:40 Welcome & Keynote
13:00 Welcome note
13:10 Pat Heslop-Harrison (University of Leicester, United Kingdom)
Keynote honoring Prof. Thomas Schmidt
13:40 – 16:35 Session 1: Integration of cytogenetics with *omics technologies
13:40 Amanda Souza Câmara (IPK Gatersleben, Germany)
Polymer simulations to understand the structure and dynamics of mitotic
barley chromosomes
14:00 Hana Šimková (Institute of Experimental Botany of the AS CR,
Czech Republic)
A focused view of large cereal genomes: Single-chromosome optical
14:20 – 15:20 Coffee and Posters (1 h)
15:20 Phuong NT Hoang (University of Dalat, Vietnam) or Ingo Schubert
(IPK Gatersleben, Germany)
Cytogenomic elucidation of Spirodela genomes
15:40 Yi-Tzu Kuo (IPK Gatersleben, Germany)
The first complete pachytene FISH map of Phalaenopsis orchid and its
application in the evolutionary study of chalcone synthase (CHS)
gene family
16:00 Vildana Suljevic (University of Vienna, Austria)
Evolution of tandem repeats in chili pepper genomes
(Capsicum, Solanaceae)
16:20 André Marques (Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research,
The repeat landscape of white lupin genome
16:40 End of talks
Evening program
17:40 Meeting to take the tram to the starting point of the Walking Tour (Tram 7)
(Of course, we will also provide you with directions in the abstract book)
18:45 Meeting for the Dresden Walking Tour at the Synagogue
(Hasenberg 1, 01067 Dresden) (Walking Tour starts at 19:00)
20:00 Dinner at Dresden’s traditional restaurant Sophienkeller
(Taschenberg 3, 01067 Dresden)
Friday 27.09.2019:
09:00 – 10:00 Session 2: Meiosis, gamete formation, and polyploidy
09:00 Anna Nowicka (Institute of Experimental Botany of the AS CR,
Czech Republic)
Endoreduplication is dynamic process affecting nuclear morphology in
developing barley seeds
09:20 Aleš Kovařík (Czech Academy of Science, Institute of Biophysics,
Czech Republic)
Insights into the genome structure of pentaploid dogroses
(Rosa sect. Caninae) harbouring a unique asymmetrical meiotic system
09:40 Tony Heitkam (TU Dresden, Germany)
Adding color to a century-old enigma: Multi-color chromosome
identification unravels the autotriploid nature of saffron (Crocus sativus)
10:00 Coffee and Posters (1 h)
11:00 – 12:00 Session 3: Special chromosome types
11:00 Andreas Houben (IPK Gatersleben, Germany)
Biology and structure of holocentric chromosomes
11:20 Mariana Baez (IPK Gatersleben, Germany)
Characterization of the repetitive DNA fraction of two holocentric species
of the “Cyperid” group
11:40 Jörg Fuchs (IPK Gatersleben, Germany)
Flow cytometry facilitates the estimation of the B chromosome
transmission rate in Aegilops speltoides based on isolated pollen nuclei
12:00 – 12:15 Group picture
12:15 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 14:50 Session 4: Genome stability and nucleus architecture
13:30 Dominika Idziak-Helmcke (University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland)
3-D nucleus architecture in mono-, di-, and tetrasomic oat-maize
addition lines
13:50 Kateřina Perničková (Institute of Experimental Botany of the AS CR,
Czech Republic)
Alien chromosomes instability in wheat is associated with their improper
positioning in the nucleus
14:10 David Kopecký (Institute of Experimental Botany of the AS CR,
Czech Republic)
Genome stability in plant hybrids with different meiotic modi operandi
14:30 Mahmoud Said (Institute of Experimental Botany of the AS CR,
Czech Republic)
Genome homology and chromosome structure in goat grasses revealed
by single-gene fluorescence in situ hybridization
14:50 Coffee and Posters (1 h)
15:50 – 17:00 Session 5: New tools, perspectives, and applications
15:50 Takayoshi Ishii (Tottori University, Japan)
RNA-guided endonuclease - in situ labelling (REGN-ISL) - a fast
CRISPR/Cas9 based cytogenetic tool for crop chromosome biology
16:10 Ivona Kubalova (IPK Gatersleben, Germany)
Expansion microscopy of plant nuclei
16:30 Eva Hribova (Institute of Experimental Botany of the AS CR,
Czech Republic)
Analysis of chromosome rearrangements in banana (Musa) using
oligopainting FISH
16:50 Closing Remarks
17:00 End