Apr 20, 2016
09. - 13.05.2016 Interdisciplinary German-Japanese Symposium
From May, 9th to May, 13th, a Japan-Dresden Symposium will address a large number of research issues along the lines biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics.
This interdisciplinary event is an initiative of the School of Science at TU Dresden. It is a joint initiative of the Institute of Botany (Professor Neinhuis and Professor Schmidt), the Chair of Inorganic Molecular Chemistry (Professor Weigand and Professor Gloe), the Institute of Stochastics (Professor Schilling) and the Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (Professor Zuber).
The Symposium aims to bundle up the joint activities of TU Dresden researchers with several renowned Japanese universities and institutions. The collaboration strings include many facets, such as joint research projects, guest lectures and lectureships as well as a variety of continuing education formats for young researchers, PhD and master students.
For more information, please visit the homepage of the symposium.