Adventureland Mathematics
The »Erlebnisland Mathematik« (Adventureland Mathematics) is a hands-on exhibition inside the Technischen Sammlungen Dresden, which opend in 2008 and where you can get a playful access to mathematical phenomena. The Adventureland displays about 100 exhibits on 1000 m2.
Prof. Lordick was involved in the development of numerous exhibits. Some of them are the Maßwerkpuzzle (puzzle of tracery), the Wackelstein (wobbly stone) and – most prominently – the Krabbelknoten (crawl-through-knot).
An der Entwicklung zahreicher Exponate war Prof. Lordick beteiligt. Dazu gehören etwa das Maßwerkpuzzle, der Wackelstein und – am prominentesten – der Krabbelknoten.
Link zum Erlebnisland Mathematik: