Jan 10, 2025
Looking for actors!
As part of our INTERACT project on empathy and social interaction, we are creating a new psychoological paradigm. In this assessment, participants are shown short video sequences in which various fictitious characters tell short personal stories.
Now we are looking for motivated and talented people of different ages who would like to embody these characters. For each person a total of 5 sequences of 15 seconds will be recorded. The estimated workload is 2 hours and is compensated with 25€/h.
Registration takes place online via the following link and requires the creation of a short test video (max. 20 seconds) with a given script. Interested parties will automatically receive all the necessary information after completing the online registration form.
Link to registration: https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/umfragen/limesurvey/index.php/516953
We look forward to numerous registrations and if you forward our announcement!
Questions can be sent to INTERACT.Studie@tu-dresden.de at any time.