Städtisches Klinikum Dresden - Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (Standort Weisser Hirsch)
The Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the municipal hospital (“Städtisches Klinikum”) Dresden offers three options of care for all types of mental disorders: outpatient care, day clinic care (20 places) and inpatient care (108 beds). Treatment for all mental disorders are provided, with a focus on:
- Affective disorders, especially chronic and therapy resistant depression (ECT, VNS, CBASP)
- Anxiety disorders and OCD
- Dementia, other organic mental disorders
- Substance Abuse disorders, specialized in alcohol dependency (“S1-treatment”)
- Psychotic disorders and differentiated diagnostics of schizophrenic psychoses
- Personality disorders, especially borderline disorder (DBT)
In cooperation with other hospitals and institutions (Dresden University Clinic, University of Würzburg, University of Strasbourg, F), the department participates in research on:
- Suicide prevention
- Addiction
- Mental health care
- Schizophrenia research
Head of Dpt.: Prof. Dr. med. Burkhard Jabs