G3: Ensure education for sustainable development and understanding of the processual nature of scientific and technical research through research-oriented teaching-learning concepts and science communication
In order to make hydrogen efficiently usable as an energy carrier, it is essential to develop highly effective and cost-effective catalyst materials that catalyze the electrode reactions in fuel cells and electrolyzers, in particular the cathodic oxygen reduction in the generation of energy from hydrogen. This research and development project is an excellent example of processes of sustainable development, which is why it is being used as a reference point for the development of prototypical research-oriented teaching modules for subject-specific teacher training and for practical courses for pupils in the teaching-learning laboratory of the TU Dresden. The modules have a model character in the sense of Education for Sustainable Development, they serve teacher training and further education in this area, and can thus be transferred to the reference object "Energy Park in Southern Germany". In addition, a concept for science communication will be implemented.
Doctoral Student: Jannik Amon
First (Main) Supervisor: Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Manuela Niethammer
Second Supervisor: N. N.