Biodiversity promotion on ground-mounted photovoltaic systems - technical proposals for design and implementation
Free State of Saxony, represented by the Saxon State Office for
Environment, Agriculture and Geology
03/2023 - 01/2025
Project team
TUD Dresden University of Technology (Prof. Dr. C. Schmidt)
Project description
The expansion of renewable energies is to be strongly accelerated in view of the consequences of climate change and energy shortages. The targeted contribution of 215 gigawatts (GW) of installed capacity from solar systems by 2030 (UBA 2023) cannot currently be achieved by PV systems on buildings or sealed surfaces alone. It is foreseeable that numerous PV systems will be installed not only in residential areas, but also in the open countryside. The EEG and also the BauGB as of 2023 open up the possibility of using grassland areas and comparable biotopes for ground-mounted photovoltaic systems in addition to arable land.
The creation of a guideline for the promotion of biodiversity on ground-mounted photovoltaic systems summarizes the current state of knowledge and the current gaps in knowledge on the nature conservation impacts of ground-mounted photovoltaic systems. Based on a description of the current legal framework conditions, minimum requirements and recommendations for the nature conservation-friendly integration into the landscape and design of ground-mounted photovoltaic systems are developed. On this basis, suitable measures for the preservation and promotion of biodiversity while maintaining ecological relationships can be determined. The aim is to develop a practice-oriented handbook for the promotion of biodiversity on ground-mounted photovoltaic systems for the target group of the Lower Nature Conservation Authorities of the Free State of Saxony.
This is about:
The guideline to be developed comprises a practice-oriented handout on the promotion of biodiversity on ground-mounted photovoltaic systems for the target group of the Lower Nature Conservation Authorities of the Free State of Saxony. It focuses on concise statements on the following points:
- Brief description of current approval procedures for ground-mounted photovoltaic systems and legal regulations for environmental testing services
- Requirements for biodiversity studies as part of the approval process for ground-mounted photovoltaic systems. For this purpose, overviews of impact factors and checklists on possible adverse effects on the protected natural and landscape assets were compiled.
- Classification of the conflict potential of areas (types) when selecting the location of ground-mounted photovoltaic systems
- Proposals for minimum standards for ground-mounted photovoltaic systems) and a definition and content-related design of "biodiversity-promoting PV systems"
- Concrete biodiversity-promoting design and management approaches in the form of measure profiles that describe in detail the practical implementation and associated ecological enhancements
- Listing of best-practice examples and self-developed implementation proposals
Publication of
Dr. Andrea Seidel (TU Dresden); Prof. Dr. Catrin Schmidt (TU Dresden)
in collaboration with Frank Richter, LfULG on behalf of the Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology
Status: 11.12.2024
Project collaborator

wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
NameMs Dr.-Ing. Andrea Seidel
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