Jan 31, 2022
DRESDEN WINS SMART CITY PROJECT Knowledge Architecture partners in BMI Smart City Model Project

Model project – from the Intelligent Quarter to the Smart City and Region
Within the German competition “Model Projects Smart City”, the city of Dresden has won a substantial 16 Mio. € grant from the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI). Initiated and authored by the KA Lab team in cooperation with the Municipal IT Company (EBIT), the application titled “IQ Dresden – Intelligent Quarters for Dresden” was conceived by Prof. Jörg Rainer Noennig, Anja Jannack and Fabrice Naumann in collaboration with partners of the city administration of Dresden. The project envisions the long-term establishment of multiple smart neighbourhoods in Dresden, building upon smart technologies for participation and citizen engagement, environmental sensing, and urban data management. The EBIT team around Prof. Michael Breidung and project manager Silke Wagner will coordinate the project over the next five years.
Web Links:
BMI Modellprojekte Smart Cities: https://www.smart-cities-made-in.de/