Aug 29, 2022
FUTURESAX TRANSFER ROADSHOW Showcase Event on Smart Cities and Urban Data

Talk by CIO of TUD, Professor Dr.-Ing. Tetzlaff (Copyright: Futuresaxony)
On July 14th, 2022 Saxony´s Transfer and Innovation Agency "Future Saxony" staged a "Transfer Roadshow" at the SLUB Makerspace on the Campus of TU Dresden. The event traced the evolution of Smart City activities in Dresden and Saxony over the past decade, featuring talks by the CIO and member of the TUD rectorate Prof. Tetzlaff, CEO of Spectos GmbH Niel Delater, and head of the WISSENSARCHITEKTUR Lab, Prof. Noennig. Culminating in the currently running Smart City Model Project "IQ Intelligente Quartiere in Dresden" (funded by BMWSB, coordinated by the city administration of the Saxon State Capital), a number of research and innovation projects at TU Dresden, in Dresden City, and in the State of Saxony have paved the way towards digital cities and smart urban environments. The powerful arrival of the smart city topic on the local and regional context was testified also by Beate Ginzel, head of the digital city department in Leipzig and local coordinator of Leipzig´s Smart City Model Project, as well as by the other panelists, namely Mr Richter, head of the Smart City unit at Dresden´s city administration, Mrs Heinze of the Saxon State Ministry of Economy and Labour, and Norbert Rost, local entrepreneur working on future city concepts. The roadshow was organised in acknowledgement of Spectos GmbH´s nomination of Jörg Rainer Noennig for the Futuresax Transfer Prize (2021). Spectos and the Knowledge Architecture Lab have cooperated over the past years in joint projects such as the ESF-funded joint innovation team "Data4City" (2017-2019) which became an ignition for a number of smart city research, transfer and startup activities, not only within the WISSENSARCHITEKTUR Lab, but the entire city of Dresden and beyond.