Co-Design: U_CODE
U_CODE is a computer application for co-design participation processes with appealing 3D graphics, low-threshold handling and differentiated evaluation options. It was developed in a Horizon2020-funded research and innovation project under the leadership of WISSENSARCHITEKTUR.
Since then, the tool has proven itself in numerous national (Fritz-Foerster-Platz Dresden) and international (Kenya and others) urban planning projects - and is currently being spun off as a start-up as part of an Exist research transfer. In 2021, U_Code was awarded the Ralf Dahrendorf Prize for Science Communication as extraordinary european project.
UCODE – Urban Co-Design Environment (
Urban Co-Design Operational Unit & Services (OPUS)
U_Code Follow_up
Imagevideo of Participation- und Co-Design-Tool "U_Code"