In the lectures of the basic course, design principles, topics and methods of art and architecture are systematically prepared. Historical and contemporary examples are analysed to critically explain ideas, principles and application of design. Together with the placement in the historical-theoretical context, this offers suggestions for a critical discussion with the students.
In exercises in design theory, the aim is to generate enthusiasm in the students for the process of design. When working on the projects, the aim is for the students to deal with their design in an empathetic way, but also by means of systematic analysis, and to test their possibilities for design formation.
Gestaltungslehre I, Fläche Körper Raum, Vorlesung + Übung
wird nur im WiSe angeboten
Gestaltungslehre II, Räumliches Gestalten, Vorlesung
Gestaltungslehre II, Räumliches Gestalten, Übung
Erster Hauptentwurf
Wissenschaftliche Arbeit
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