Lecture series on Urban Planning and Local Construction Planning
The daily work of architects and urban developers is not only to develop visions for the urban landscape but to realise these in concrete form by drawing up spatial development plans. This series of lectures examines the basic contents of urban land use planning in theory and practice. Both the preparatory stage as well as the detailed specification of urban land-use planning are addressed. Examples of Flächennutzungspläne and Bebauungspläne (preparatory urban plans and binding local construction plans) illustrate in concrete terms the various options offered by the Federal Building Code in regard to urban planning, architectural and open space planning. In this respect, the lectures also bridge the gap between building codes and practical application. Various options will be outlined for implementing urban development and architectural designs in the ‘language’ of spatial and urban planners. Students will learn how to deal practically with the various legal instruments of urban land-use planning in Germany, namely the Baunutzungsverordnung, städtebauliche Verträge and the Planzeichenverordnung. Environmental impact assessments as well as requirements for the coordination and integration of sectoral planning, e.g. landscape planning or noise reduction planning, are described. New trends in urban land-use planning are also dealt with such as sustainable development, climate protection and adaptation to climate change, municipal land management, contraction and growth, minimal urbanism.
In this way, students will gain an understanding and overview of the general system of urban land-use planning in Germany, both in theory and practice. After completing the course, students will already be able to answer some fairly detailed questions on the management and implementation of municipal development. The aim of the lecture series is to enable students to develop simple (preparatory and binding) land use plans with the knowledge acquired. The lecture material will be further expanded and applied in a practical manner in an additional Seminar on Urban Land-Use Planning.
Overview of lecture series
Location, time and teaching materials via selma
Unlimited number of participants
Prof. Dr. Wende
2 hours per week / 3 cr