BIWO-04 Numerical Methods
module description according study regulations for the consecutive Master's degree program ACCESS as of 17th August 2022
Course materials are available in OPAL .
detail contents of "Numerical Methods":
Introduction to Numerical Analysis
- types and stability of algorithm
- condition of problems
Programming with Fortran 90/95
- structur of program
- basic elements
- declaration of variables
- arithmetic and logical operators
- conditional statements and loops
- input and output
Linear algebra
- vector calculus, matrix calculus
- aystems of linear equations
- apecific eigenvalue problem
- generalized eigenvalue problem
Systems of non-linear equations
- Bisection method, secant method, regula falsi method
- Newton’s method
Extremum problems
Numerical integration
- Quadrature rules based on interpolating functions
- Monte Carlo integration (simulation)
- function approximation
- approximation of discrete data
- polynomial interpolation vs. spline interpolation
- interpolation vs. regression analysis
Computer graphics
- coordinate transformation
- projection
recommended literature:
R.Kress: Numercial Analysis, Spinger, New York Berlin Heidelberg, 1998
D.V.Griffiths, I.M.Smith: Numerical methods for engineers - a progamming approach, Blackwell Scientific, London, 1991