Diploma and masters theses
Current Topics
The Institut for Structural Anlysis offers indiviual topics linked to research topics.
Projectwork Topics:
1. Development of a thermomechanical axisymmetric rebar element for tire simulations
- Literature study of axisymmetric elements, thermomechanical problems, and reinforcement approaches in FEM
- Formulation and derivation of the mathematical description for rebar elements including thermomechanical effects
- Implementation into the in-house FEM code using FORTRAN
- Verification and validation of the new code with different numerical FEM examples
- Comparison to 3D rebar elements as well as to experimental results from literature
2. Extension of a micromophic gradient damage model considering advanced material behaviour
- incompressible material at finite strains
- fiber reinforcement
- linear and nonlinear viscoelasticity
- dynamic loading with inertia effects and fatigue
3. Extension of a constitutive model for shape memory alloys accounting for the development of internal stresses due to plasticity
- literature study of the relationship between plasticity and its effect on the transformation behavior in shape memory alloys
- analysis of experimental results in the literature
- implementation of a constitutive model for shape memory alloys to be used in finite element simulations
- comparison of simulation and experimental results
- modeling of an actuating structure presenting two-way shape memory behavior
4. Further developments and investigations of friction/adhesion models
- literature study regarding scale identification of rough surfaces
- literature study with respect to modelling of friction/adhesion
- extension of existing adhesion model (into FE software Abaqus) and parameter study
- multiscale friction analysis via friction homogenization
- comparison of several algorithm for scale identification and its applicability in multiscale friction
5. Development of an optimization procedure to identify rubber material properties automatically
- literature study regarding rubber testing and parameter optimization
- analysis of laboratory test results (uniaxial, biaxial, pure shear, dynamic mechanical analysis)
- creation of finite element models to simulate test conditions
- implementation of optimization procedures to identify material parameters
- coding user interface to perform optimization automatically
6. Development of an optimized mesh adaptation scheme for the phasefield method
- literature study regarding phasefield method and hierarchical meshes
- analytical optimization of one-dimensional phasefield problems
- generalization to three-dimensional problems
- implementation into in-house mesh adaption codes
- parameter studies at common academic crack problems
7. Development of a Finite Element model for fibre pull-out tests
- literature study regarding fibre pull-out experiments
- analysis of available experimental results
- creation of appropriate finite element mesh
- assignment of material models, contact zones, locking point parameters
- parameter study
- comparison of experiment and simulation
8. Development of numerical tools for modelling the tire manufacturing process within Isogeometric Analysis
- literature study regarding Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) and tire manufacturing
- implementation of numerical tools for two-dimensional axisymmetric IGA of the curing process (material models, contact, pre- and post-processing)
- adaption of an elastoplastic constitutive material model in IGA
- comparison with traditional FE simulations
9. Development and analysis of a phasefield method for ductile fatigue
- literature study regarding phasefield method with fatigue and experiments - implementation into in-house FEM code - detailed analysis of model properties regarding shape of plastic regions, overload effects and mesh convergence - parameter studies at common academic crack problems - comparison to experimental results from literature
If you are interested in a theses please contact:

senior researcher / team leader
NameDr.-Ing. Johannes Storm
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