Your Contribution to OR2019
Here, you can contribute to OR2019 by submitting an abstract of your presentation during OR2019 as well as a manuscript to the OR2019 proceedings. You find also information about your personal registration to OR2019.

Preparing your participation at OR2019
- Participation at OR2019 is possible with and without contributing a talk or paper.
- Starting from December 1, 2018 the submission of short abstracts of your presentation during the OR2019 conference is possible. Once you have completed the abstract submission it will be handled by the organizer of the stream you selected or the organizer of the session from which you have received an invitation code. You will be informed about the acceptance of your abstract as soon as possible. Abstract submissions are possible until May 10, 2019. Please go to our abstract submission page.
- After your abstract has been accepted for oral presentation during OR2019 conference you are entitled to submit a full-paper (six pages at most) to the proceedings of OR2019. We will announce further details about the proceedings in May 2019.
- The final step to complete your registration for the participation at OR2019 (independently from the fact if you have contributed a talk or not) will be to register to the conference. Please use our registration website