Applied Research
The material utilisation of renewable raw materials is one of the key issues of our time. Potential Applications are very wide-ranged starting with wood and fibre materials over additives for paper, colour and varnish industry or building materials to medical and pharmaceutical products.

Applied Research
Numerous projects are carried out in cooperation with different partnes from research and industry. Actual research projects deal with the characterisation of annual and perennial plants, the digestion of wood and annual plants for extraction of components, the chemistry of polysaccharides, the preparation and functionalisation of cellulose beads, the separation and utilisation of lignin, The caharacterisation of Paper and paper additives, the analysis of thermal modified wood and the chemistry of binders.
Modern lab and technical school systems are available for realisation of projects. Prepared products can comprehensive characterised by wet chemical analyses as well as some numerous analytical methods like Raman, FTIR, UV/VIS spectroccopy, GC/MS and Py-GC/MS chromatography, mercury porosimetry, thermal anaylsis or particle size measurements.