Studying at The Institute of Plant and Wood Chemistry
The IPWC is involved in different modules of courses of diverse faculties. Students of forest sciences, chemistry and chemical engineering can complete their graduations at the institute.
The IPWC is involved in lectures of different courses of study. Basic knowledge of chemistry, the raw material wood as well as applied basics of mechanical, thermal and chemical utilisation of wood are teaching within the bachelor course of forest sciences.
The chemistry, physic and anatomy of wood and the chemical technology of wood are modules in the master course. Further module deals with applied aspects of wood science and use of wood in the master courses of forest sciences and wood technology and wood industry. In master course of chemistry, a module of wood and plant chemistry is offered.
Numerous bachelor, master and diploma theses were written at the IPWC. There are also current theses in forest sciences and chemistry. Furthermore master and diploma theses can be prepared in the field of food science and chemical engineering, if a supervision by a corresponding professor is realised.