Apr 30, 2020
Progress in Oceanography - presenting an individual-based model of salps
Together with other researchers, our colleagues Jürgen Groenveld and Uta Berger present a new individual-based model of salps in the journal Progress in Oceanography. It describes the entire life-cycle of this important grazer in the Southern Ocean and is able to reproduce patterns at the individual and population level. The results suggest that large salp blooms require a founding population in early spring - a phenomenon that is likely to be influenced by climate change.
Have a look at the full article:
Groeneveld, J., Berger, U., Henschke, N., Pakhomov, E. A., Reiss, C. S., & Meyer, B. (2020). Blooms of a key grazer in the Southern Ocean – An individual-based model of Salpa thompsoni. Progress in Oceanography 185, 102339.