Prof. Dr. Uta Berger

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Uta Berger
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Professur für Forstliche Biometrie und Systemanalyse
Professur für Forstliche Biometrie und Systemanalyse
Hauptgebäude (Altbau), 1.Obergeschoss, Raum 23 Pienner Straße 8
01737 Tharandt
Research Interests
My research focuses on a mechanistic understanding of the functioning of ecological systems and the mutual connection of the latter to the diversity of species and their traits. I am specifically interested in
- the link between species adaptations, organismic interactions and long term patterns in biodiversity,
- restoration ecology with a particular focus on degraded forest systems as well as
- concepts of biodiversity conservation under changing environmental conditions.
Take a look at the current research projects and the model gallery
Abridged CV
Since 2021 | Professor for Forest Biometrics and Systems Analysis (W3), Technische Universität Dresden |
Since 2019 | Member of the Scientific Advisory board of the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research Berlin |
Since 2017 |
Member of iDiv, a research centre of the DFG – German Research Foundation (DFG) |
Since 2016 |
Fachkollegiat (FK 207) German Research Foundation (DFG) |
Since 2016 |
Member of the Advisory Board of the Dresden Transport Museum |
Since 2013 | Scientific head of the UNEP/UNESCO Centre For International Postgraduate Studies Of Environmental Management (CIPSEM) |
2015 – 2019 | Member of the University Council (Hochschulrat) of the Technische Universität Dresden |
2009 – 2018 | Director of the Institute for Forest Growth and Forest Computer Sciences, Technische Universität Dresden |
2007 – 2021 | Professor for Forest Biometrics and Systems Analysis (W2), Technische Universität Dresden |
2013 – 2016 | Spokeswoman of the Department Of Forest Science, Technische Universität Dresden |
2004 – 2007 | Privatdozent, University of Bremen |
2004 | Habilitation (Title: “Pattern-oriented modelling to analyse neighbourhood processes in mangrove forests”), venia legendi: Theoretical Ecology, University of Bremen |
2000 – 2002 | Coordinator of the MADAM Lab at the Universidade Federal do Pará Belém, Brasilien |
1996 – 2007 | Senior scientist at the Centre for Tropical Marine Ecology in Bremen |
1993 – 1996 | Post Doc, Institute of Ecology, Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena |
1992 | Dissertation in Physico-Chemistry at the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena |
1993 – 1996 | Staff scientist, Institute of Physico-Chemistry, Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena |
1987 | Diploma (Dipl.-Ing.) in Electronic Engineering, Technische Universität Dresden |
Peer-reviewed paper
Driving forces of Antarctic krill abundance , Dez. 2023, in: Science advances. 9, 50, eadh4584Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
The impact of salps (Salpa thompsoni) on the Antarctic krill population (Euphausia superba): an individual-based modelling study , Dez. 2023, in: Ecological Processes. 12, 1, 50Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Plasticity and seasonality of the vertical migration behaviour of Antarctic krill using acoustic data from fishing vessels , 27 Sept. 2023, in: Royal Society open science. 10, 9, 230520Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Multi-trait point pattern reconstruction of plant ecosystems , 30 Aug. 2023, in: Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 14(2023), 10, S. 2668-2679, 12 S.Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Small-scale heterogeneity shapes grassland diversity in low-to-intermediate resource environments , 1 Juli 2023, in: Journal of vegetation science. 34, 4, e13196Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
An intercomparison of models predicting growth of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba): The importance of recognizing model specificity , Juli 2023, in: PloS one. 18, 7, e0286036Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Conservation and Restoration of Mangroves in Response to Invasion of Spartina alterniflora Based on the MaxEnt Model: A Case Study in China , Juni 2023, in: Forests. 14, 6, 1220Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Nitrogen Addition Increases Freeze Resistance in Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans) Shrubs in a Temperate-Tropical Ecotone , Juni 2023, in: Ecosystems. 26, 4, S. 800-814, 15 S.Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Nonparametric upscaling of bark beetle infestations and management from plot to landscape level by combining individual-based with Markov chain models , Feb. 2023, in: European Journal of Forest Research. 142, 1, S. 129-144, 16 S.Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Aerial surveys reveal biotic drivers of mangrove expansion along a Thai salt flat ecotone , Nov. 2022, in: Restoration Ecology. 30, 8, e13640Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Conference contributions and other
Enhancing reforestation success through scale-adapted spatiotemporal coordination of natural and artificial regeneration: insights from simulation experiments with the iLand model , 12 Sept. 2024Publikation: Beitrag zu Konferenzen > Wissenschaftliche Vortragsfolien
pyMANGA: Harnessing the Power of Modularity and Reusability for Robust Ecological Modeling , 11 Sept. 2024Publikation: Beitrag zu Konferenzen > Wissenschaftliche Vortragsfolien
Natural Root Grafting: A Vector for Hydraulic Redistribution? , 10 Sept. 2024Publikation: Beitrag zu Konferenzen > Wissenschaftliche Vortragsfolien
Are root grafts cooperative traits for mangroves to cope with water stress? , Dez. 2023Publikation: Beitrag zu Konferenzen > Wissenschaftliche Vortragsfolien
Sind Wurzelverwachsungen ein Hinweis auf Kooperation zwischen Mangroven bei der Bewältigung von Wasserstress? , 11 Sept. 2023Publikation: Beitrag zu Konferenzen > Wissenschaftliche Vortragsfolien
Developing a Benchmarking Framework for a Ready-to-Use RBB Library for Forest Ecology: pyMANGA , Sept. 2023Publikation: Beitrag zu Konferenzen > Wissenschaftliche Vortragsfolien
Are root grafts cooperative traits for mangrovesto cope with water stress?: Understanding Root Grafting and Water Exchange in Mangrove Trees , Juli 2023Publikation: Beitrag zu Konferenzen > Wissenschaftliche Vortragsfolien
Stepwise reduction of model complexity: Block-specific benchmarks are the key to effective and reliable testing of complex simulation models that consist of conceptually differing building blocks , 6 Juli 2022Publikation: Beitrag zu Konferenzen > Wissenschaftliche Vortragsfolien
Roots of Cooperation: Can Root Graft Networks Benefit Trees Under Stress? , 1 Dez. 2020Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Sonstige Veröffentlichung > Sonstiges
Self-organisation and persistence of antibiotic resistance in evolving plasmid communities , 15 Sept. 2020Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Sonstige Veröffentlichung > Sonstiges